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Mold and mildew growth within Navy ships is a significant issue across the fleet. To investigate this issue the Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP) and the Strategic EnvironmentalResearch and Development Program (SERDP) funded an investigation into the prevalence of mold in the fleet, with the end goal of developing solutions to remediate and prevent future mold growth. Thusfar, mold and coating data was collected from 26 ships across 6 geographic locations. These mold samples have been analyzed to determine the most common species and highlight those that are toxigenic.
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Asset owners spend significant monies each year on the construction of new and the maintenance of existing infrastructure. More than ever, these funds can be difficult to procure and budget. The owners include, both municipal and industrial entities and funds are limited in most cases, therefore, asset service life is very important to all parties.
In the mid-1990s, the US Navy’s technical community, led by Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA), recognized existing coatings used to protect the inside of ships’ tanks were failing on average 5-8 years after application. The high cost to blast and recoat over 11,000 tanks every 5-8 years, not counting submarines and aircraft carriers, was prohibitive. To address this issue, the Navy conducted a study to analyze the problem and decided to replace these legacy coatings with high solid epoxy coatings.1
While performing cathodic protection surveys, carrier pipe and casing potential readings are typically recorded at the same test station location near the end of a casing. Comparing these potentials should reveal a difference between the cathodically protected pipe versus an unprotected and electrically isolated casing. The difference in potentials is one of available tests to determine whether a casing may be electrically shorted to the carrier pipe. The pipe-to-electrolyte and casing-to-electrolyte potential comparison is usually the initial “screening” method.
Oil field operating company’s (1) flowline network in North and West Kuwait (NWK) has over 3000 wells connected through 6” carbon steel pipelines flowing from wellhead to the nearest Gathering Center (GC). Untreated wet crude is transported through the flowlines to GC’s directly or passing through the Remote Headers and Manifold (RHM) to GCs. In RHM, mixing of the wet crude takes place before it is sent to GC’s via transfer lines for further separation. The flowlines are laid aboveground except at road crossings where they are buried.
Caustic corrosion is sometimes referred to as “caustic attack or “caustic gouging.” Corrosion of this type may result from internally fouled heat transfer surfaces and the presence of sodium hydroxide in the boiler water; and concentrated solutions of alkali where the normal washing of the tube metal ID is restricted after Departure from Nucleate Boiling (DNB), i.e., when the steam bubble release exceeds the rinsing rate.
Evaluating the location-based risk of corrosion is critical to a number of fields of industry. Within naval aviation, knowing the risk of corrosion from environmental factors can be used to ensure that maintenance intervals are properly planned. From a basic research aspect, understanding how different sites behave allows researchers to better correlate how performance at a standard test site can be extrapolated in future research efforts. However, a survey of literature and conversations with many corrosion experts has shown variability in how environmental factors are assessed.
Bulk items such as cast and forged valves are installed under various temperature conditions. It is exposed to a wide range of temperatures, therefore the coating product applied to bulk items should have appropriate heat resistance performance. However, it is very difficult to select a suitable coating system since the temperature condition is not determined in the valve manufacturing stage. For this reason, unsuitable coating systems are often applied, causing coating defects in the field operation. Therefore, it is necessary to apply a coating system that can cover a wide temperature range to prevent this problem.
Atomic hydrogen can enter metallic microstructures from deposition processes like Cr plating or phosphatizing, chemical and electrochemical pickling treatments, during welding operations if the humidity of consumables is too high, by cathodic processes resulting from corrosion phenomena or contact with high pressure gaseous hydrogen. According to different chemical-physical mechanisms, atomic hydrogen can enter the metallic structure resulting in damages of various forms, such as HIC (hydrogen induced cracking), SOHIC (stress oriented HIC), delayed fracture and hydrogen embrittlement (HE).
Traditional Corrosion Growth Rate (CGR) models used in the integrity assessment of corroded pipelines are deterministic. A common Magnetic Flux Leakage (MFL) inline inspection (ILI) tool performance specification on general corrosion anomaly depth is +/- 10% Wall Thickeness (WT) at 80% confidence which corresponds to a standard deviation of 7.81% WT. Probabilistic Corrosion Growth Rate (PCGR) models incorporate these large measurement uncertainties and provide more realistic reliability assessments
In the recent years, Horizontal Directional Drilling - HDD - became a real improvement for pipeline construction when crossing obstacles such as rivers, roads or railways. For the corrosion protection of the carbon steel pipeline, a protective coating is associated with cathodic protection. But for trenchless techniques, the coating shall withstand the stresses from the installation. Several standards are used to specify corrosion protection coatings for buried pipelines but those documents do not cover the specific conditions of an HDD.
Scale and corrosion inhibitors are commonly used in many oil and gas production systems to prevent inorganic deposition and to protect asset integrity. Scale inhibitor products are based on organic compounds with phosphate or carboxylic functional groups such as amino phosphonates, phosphate esters, phosphino polymers, polycarboxylate and polysulfonates,1 as shown in Figure 1. These anionic groups have strong affinity to alkaline earth cations and can adsorb on the active growth sites of scale crystal (Figure 2), resulting in stopping or delaying the scale formation process.