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The drive towards renewable energy, requirement for reduction in fossil fuel consumption and emission of carbon dioxide has received substantial attention from governments and researchers worldwide during the last few decades [1]. The exploration of renewable sources of energy has been grouped into wind, geothermal, tidal and solar energy. Solar energy has shown great promise due to the abundant amount of energy reaching the Earth [2, 3]. Electricity generation from solar irradiation can be achieved by photovoltaic (PV) and photothermal conversion [4].
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As long ago as 1973, design codes1 considered the possibility of hydrogen embrittlement due to CP. Between 1986 and 19952-4 the failure of DSS fasteners subjected to CP were reported. These were associated with high ferrite levels in the steel (approximately 70%) combined with precipitation hardening at 475°C to give the high levels of strength desired for fastener applications. At the same time, the susceptibility of DSS welds to hydrogen embrittlement had been reported5. Just like the fastener failures, the hydrogen cracking of welds was associated with high ferrite levels (70%), highly restrained joints and in the case of welds, high levels of diffusible hydrogen.
High strength low alloy (HSLA) steels are preferred for oil and gas pipelines due to their outstanding mechanical properties. Sulfide stress cracking (SSC) has been a major problem for the application of HSLA carbon steel because of the wet H2S environment which commonly presents in oil and gas industry. Several techniques are applied to the study of SSC of steels, including constant load test with smooth specimens and DCB testing.
High strength carbon steel tensile wires confined in the annulus of flexible pipes might experience corrosion when the annulus is flooded with water, either due to outer sheath breaches or to condensation of water molecules permeating from the bore through the inner sheath. Carbon dioxide (CO2) molecules may also permeate from the bore and reach the annulus, where it dissolves into water to form carbonic acid (H2CO3).
Offshore assets such as drilling rigs, production platforms, and wind turbines present challenges for corrosion prevention maintenance. The primary defense against atmospheric corrosion on structural steel in offshore saltwater environments is a protective coating system.
Several factors cause protective coatings to degrade rapidly: besides wearing and damage encountered in installation and use, ultraviolet light breaks down the organic resins and corrosive seawater causes under creep at any breaks in the coating. Maintenance coating for offshore atmospheric systems can therefore be necessary as early as the second year.
The NACE International Institute Contractor Accreditation Program (NIICAP) is an industry managed accreditation program that validates a contractor's quality assurance program, support practices, and production processes.
SSPC established the Coating Application Specialist (CAS) Certification Program for industrial painters in 2008, at present there are 8 standards for applicators. It includes QP1 FIELD APPLICATION TO COMPLEX INDUSTRIAL AND MARINE STRUCTURES, QP2 FIELD REMOVAL OF HAZARDOUS COATINGS and QP3 SHOP PAINTING ACCREDITATION PROGRAM.
NEPCOAT stands for the Northeast Protective Coating Committee and is comprised of tenmember Departments of Transportation, from Connecticut, Delaware, Massachusetts, Maine,New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Vermont. NEPCOATwas founded in 1992 and has for thirty years evaluated and qualified paint systems for use onbridges, both for shop-applied new steel, and field-applied totally cleaned existing steel.
Metallizing in NH was a coating used only sparingly in the past at critical locations on two major bridges. Its greater use was severely limited by the lack of qualified applicators, absence from bridge fabricator operations, and overall excessive cost. This picture changed dramatically with the impetus of the new metallized Memorial Bridge project and the massive investment in metallizing equipment at a large local bridge fabricator that made metallizing possible for this bridge. The successful use and ten-year performance of the thermal spray coating (TSC), i.e. metallizing, on this bridge has had a significant impact on metallized New England bridges tofollow.
As traditional reserves deplete onshore and offshore, the oil industry is moving into increasingly deeper waters and harsh environments in the pursuit of hydrocarbons. As the industry drills deeper, the challenges that face infrastructure increase markedly with the longstanding issues of corrosion. One of the major challenges to corrosion management is the extreme pressure and temperature.
Cast Iron with its ancient history, traced back to 6th century BCE1, has been used for centuries to anything from manhole covers & fire hydrants to bridges. However, the development of Spheroidal Graphite Cast Iron (SGCI) or Nodular Cast Iron, in the 1940’s, with resulting improvement in mechanical properties such as ductility and fracture toughness, paved the way for further growth in industrial usage of cast iron.2 The material has been adopted by several industries such as automotive-, nuclear-, and wind turbine industry. During the last decade, SCGI has gained increased attention as construction material for subsea equipment in offshore oil & gas production, mainly competing with welded and bolted steel assemblies.
Corrosion is a ubiquitous phenomenon, which can have massive impacts on the functioning of industrial assets. The threat of corrosion is exacerbated in situations where regular corrosion inspections are difficult. The Virtual Corrosion Engineer (VCE) Project within Shell is intended to offer a solution to this problem by automatically assessing the corrosion rates and threat levels in assets due to a variety of corrosion mechanisms. The VCE system has been deployed in an asset progressively since 2019.
Gas Oil Hydrotreating Unit uses a catalytic hydrotreating process employing a selective catalyst and a hydrogen-rich gas stream to decompose organic sulfur, oxygen and nitrogen compounds contained in the feed. The products of these reactions are the contaminant free hydrocarbon, along with H2S and NH3. Other Treating reactions include halide removal and aromatic saturation. Reactor effluent is cooled in series of Combined Feed Exchangers followed by REAC for product separation. The reactor effluent system is prone for corrosion and fouling due to salting of NH4HS and NH4Cl. Most of the failure analysis studies and literature available in public domain regarding reactor effluent corrosion deals with the corrosion in the REAC and its outlet piping.