This AMPP standard defines standard practices for new carbon steel (CS) pressure vessels to be used in petroleum refining wet hydrogen sulfide (H2S)-containing environments, with the recommended steps for resisting the damage mechanisms listed below. It covers materials, welding, testing, and other fabrication requirements. It is intended to be used by refiners, equipment fabricators, engineering contractors, and construction contractors.
Product Number:
AMPP SP21534-2024
Publication Date:
This AMPP standard defines standard practices for new carbon steel (CS) pressure vessels to be used in petroleum refining wet hydrogen sulfide (H2S)-containing environments, with the recommended steps for resisting the damage mechanisms listed below. It covers materials, welding, testing, and other fabrication requirements. It is intended to be used by refiners, equipment fabricators, engineering contractors, and construction contractors.
Keywords: Carbon steel, refining, hydrogen sulfide, pressure vessels, heat exchangers