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The role of a Coating Inspector has evolved considerably over the past few decades, and the responsibilities have increased over what used to be a rather straightforward job: to verify that surface preparation and coating application meet the project specification requirements. Today there are week-long or multi-week basic and advanced coating inspection courses, specialty courses that are industry-specific (e.g., bridge, nuclear), courses that are substrate-specific (e.g., concrete coatings inspection) and even coating-specific (e.g., inspection of thermal spray coatings).
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Case studies of corrosion under insulation (CUI), identifying the key contributory factors within each example and discussing the limitations of the first pass desktop approach. Experience has verified that intimate knowledge of the system in question can greatly increase the probability of success and reduce risks.
Third-party paint inspection contracts provided an immediate, tangible benefit in supplying a qualified, certified coating inspector full-time to a painting project. Inspectors could be rapidly deployed and provided someone to the project with broad experience in painting projects; however, simply providing a third-party contract paint inspector to a project did not always ensure the project was completed properly.
In November 2011 a 5 month old baby unfortunately got killed in a Dutch swimming pool because 2 speakers and a speaker frame landed on her head. This paper will describe how this accident could happen and what has been done in the Netherlands since 2001 when the entire ceiling and airchannels came down in another swimming pool (luckily this occured during closing time).
This paper summarizes major elements of a recent recommended practice (RP) on Pipeline Corrosion Management (PCM) published by the European Federation of Corrosion (EFC). The RP goes into details on a methodical approach to carrying out PCM.
Simulation shows that navigation algorithms can guide autonomous vehicles to inspect poles or towers for corrosion, or to inspect enclosed spaces. The algorithms use sensor feature extraction, PID control, dynamic window obstacle avoidance, and genetic algorithm solutions to the traveling-salesman problem.
Risk management and a systematic approach of risk based inspection (RBI) based on API 580. The process, benefits, possible pitfalls and opportunity for improvements are clearly detailed based on practical application of RBI and corrosion management of oil and gas facilities.
This paper describes two new and complementary mechanical testing methods recently applied to vintage pipeline steels as input to integrity management.
Diakont has developed a new technology for reliable API 653-compliant floor inspections in filled storage tanks.
This section of pipeline was in a high consequence area. Low flow, its narrow internal diameter, tight bends and plug valves made the pipe unsuitable for traditional smart pigging. Industry worked with pipeline service vendors to develop a suitable solution.
A new field gradient tool for CP inspection has been developed to measure electric fields in seawater very accurately. Based on the information provided, the current density on the surface can be quantified and the location of coating damages determined.
RLs are susceptible to internal corrosion that is influenced mainly by fluid corrosiveness including factors such as temperature, pH, carbon dioxide (CO2) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) content, water chemistry, flow stagnation, wettability, and presence of deposits.
Generally, for corrosion to occur there must be liquid water with sufficient quantity to wet the pipe surface. Once water wet, the line will corrode at a rate determined by the chemistry of the water, acidity and quantity of deposits.