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Risk management and a systematic approach of risk based inspection (RBI) based on API 580. The process, benefits, possible pitfalls and opportunity for improvements are clearly detailed based on practical application of RBI and corrosion management of oil and gas facilities.
Oil and gas facilities are subject to degradation (corrosion) based on the fluid composition operating conditions and environmental influence. As such there is need to address the corrosion threats and mitigate their undesired consequences. This would entail developing a corrosion management strategy and system for the different types of equipment in the facility; the application of which would reduce the corrosion risks associated with operating the facility.Inspections activities are carried out to mitigate the inherent risk of degradation and possible failure of the equipment. Selection of inspection routines can be based on a fixed time interval or on the risk based inspection (RBI) interval. The risk based inspection approach is an optimal and fit for purpose inspection routine. This would require a detailed analysis of the risk of operating the facilities based on economic health and safety consideration.An integrated corrosion monitoring process can be achieved with proper implementation of the risk based inspection approach where all likely degradation threats have been identified susceptibility and impact assessed. With a defined risk ranking systems the choice of inspection methods can be ranked to determine business and economic benefits and also ultimately assure the technical integrity on the facility.This paper would define the critical elements for consideration in risk management while also detailing a systematic approach of risk based inspection based on API 580. The process benefits possible pitfalls and opportunity for improvements are clearly detailed based on practical application of the RBI and corrosion management of oil and gas facilities.
Keywords: risk management, inspection, API 580
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