
A Review Of Hydrogen Stress Cracking Of Nickel-Based Alloys For Oil And Gas Applications

Product Number: 51321-16705-SG
Author: Thierry Cassagne; Hervé Marchebois; Thiago Mesquita
Publication Date: 2021

After a number of failures in the Oil and Gas industry research works on hydrogen embrittlement (HE) of nickel-based alloys has been quite significant. Much work had been done previously in other industries, nuclear and aeronautic in particular. Despite this work, a lot remains to be understood. Among them, precipitation-hardened (PH) nickel alloys UNS N07718 has been significantly studied and its HE resistance is now better assessed based on its microstructure. Less work has been performed on some of the other PH nickel alloys,
although, their HE resistance is better appreciated from recent literature data. The results published at NACE Corrosion 2019 from a large JIP study indicated that PH nickel alloys could be split in three families with less susceptible alloys, like UNS N07718, UNS N09925 and UNS N09935, more susceptible alloys like UNS N07725 and UNS N07716, while alloy UNS N09945 had variable susceptibility. Besides PH nickel alloys, other solution-annealed or cold worked alloys are used in environments where hydrogen can be present. As PH alloys they are also susceptible to HE, but published studies are scarce. This paper is a review of internal and published work setting the base of our current understanding on the HE resistance of various PH, solution annealed and cold worked nickel-based alloys. Consequences on the use of these alloys are discussed for Oil and Gas applications.

After a number of failures in the Oil and Gas industry research works on hydrogen embrittlement (HE) of nickel-based alloys has been quite significant. Much work had been done previously in other industries, nuclear and aeronautic in particular. Despite this work, a lot remains to be understood. Among them, precipitation-hardened (PH) nickel alloys UNS N07718 has been significantly studied and its HE resistance is now better assessed based on its microstructure. Less work has been performed on some of the other PH nickel alloys,
although, their HE resistance is better appreciated from recent literature data. The results published at NACE Corrosion 2019 from a large JIP study indicated that PH nickel alloys could be split in three families with less susceptible alloys, like UNS N07718, UNS N09925 and UNS N09935, more susceptible alloys like UNS N07725 and UNS N07716, while alloy UNS N09945 had variable susceptibility. Besides PH nickel alloys, other solution-annealed or cold worked alloys are used in environments where hydrogen can be present. As PH alloys they are also susceptible to HE, but published studies are scarce. This paper is a review of internal and published work setting the base of our current understanding on the HE resistance of various PH, solution annealed and cold worked nickel-based alloys. Consequences on the use of these alloys are discussed for Oil and Gas applications.

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51315-5911-Hydrogen Embrittlement Resistance of High Strength Nickel Alloys for Oil and Gas Service

Product Number: 51315-5911-SG
ISBN: 5911 2015 CP
Author: Stephen McCoy
Publication Date: 2015