
The Integration of a Safety Program into a Quality Management System

The traditional contracting business operations utilize three distinct programs – Safety, Quality and Policy/Procedures. These programs are typically found in three distinct manuals – The Safety Manual, The Quality Manual, and the Policy/Procedure Manual. This paper suggests that a “process approach” in a standardized quality management system can be used to integrate the three programs.

Product Number: 41211-656-SG
Author: Jeff Theo
Publication Date: 2011
Industry: Coatings

The traditional contracting business operations utilize three distinct programs – Safety, Quality and Policy/Procedures. These programs are typically found in three distinct manuals – The Safety Manual, The Quality Manual, and the Policy/Procedure Manual. This paper suggests that a “process approach” in a standardized quality management system can be used to integrate the three programs.

The traditional contracting business operations utilize three distinct programs – Safety, Quality and Policy/Procedures. These programs are typically found in three distinct manuals – The Safety Manual, The Quality Manual, and the Policy/Procedure Manual. This paper suggests that a “process approach” in a standardized quality management system can be used to integrate the three programs.

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