
Inspection and Mitigation of Corrosion for Pipe Cable Systems

Product Number: 51321-16434-SG
Author: Frank Rea
Publication Date: 2021

Recently, a power company identified their current procedures for corrosion protection with industrial
coatings of pipe cable sections as an opportunity for process improvement. The power company sought
to decrease the difficulty of maintaining coatings on these assets, increase the service life of the coating
systems, and decrease life cycle cost. This presentation will provide a narrative of the steps taken
during the process improvement, i.e., evaluation of the current paradigm, development of improved
procedures and identification of better materials afforded through advances in coatings technology,
implementation of the improvements, and lessons learned.

Recently, a power company identified their current procedures for corrosion protection with industrial
coatings of pipe cable sections as an opportunity for process improvement. The power company sought
to decrease the difficulty of maintaining coatings on these assets, increase the service life of the coating
systems, and decrease life cycle cost. This presentation will provide a narrative of the steps taken
during the process improvement, i.e., evaluation of the current paradigm, development of improved
procedures and identification of better materials afforded through advances in coatings technology,
implementation of the improvements, and lessons learned.

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Remote, Visual Inspection And Digital Analysis For External Corrosion Assessment In Refining Unit Applications

Product Number: 51321-16542-SG
Author: Slawomir Kus/ Sridhar Srinivasan
Publication Date: 2021