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On-site personnel can now be trained to gather and test samples. Development of this on-site testing kit is described and a case study presented on its use in the field. Feedback provided from on-site personnel, and further development of the method are discussed.
Effective corrosion management requires a very specific combination of engineering, metallurgy and production chemistry, and therefore in most cases a high level of skill and knowledge is required. Many operators and service companies are now seeking tools and technologies which can be deployed onsite by local personnel to inform decision making and improve corrosion management. As a result of R&D from innovative technology providers, recent technical advances have led to improvements in corrosion inhibitor micelle detection that allow on-site personnel to conduct such tests. These improvements include the development of a simple and robust instrument paired with a simple step-by-step protocol for users to follow. On-site personnel can now be trained to gather and test samples, which not only avoids sample degradation during transit, but also means that corrosion inhibitor dosage can be adjusted in a more responsive manner.
The steps taken in the development of this on-site testing kit are described and a case study presented on its use in the field. Feedback provided from on-site personnel, and further work required to develop the method are discussed.
Key words: corrosion inhibitor, micelle, on-site testing, critical micelle concentration, CMC
This paper presents new applications of Volatile Corrosion Inhibitors (VCI) inside new and/or existing out-of-service pipelines. The system utilizes a combination of soluble and volatile corrosion inhibitors that are directly applied into the pipeline.
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The influence of sulfur as H2S-addition on the stability or degradation of tube materials and on the coke formation was studied. The investigated samples were alumina-forming- as well as chromia-forming alloys taken from conventional radiant tubes.
A new field gradient (FG) measurement tool has been developed for cathodic protection (CP) inspection of subsea facilities. The paper presents a case where FG data and CP modelling have been used to optimize CP retrofit design, cutting costs by 50%.