
07675 Sensitization of Laser-Etched Surfaces in Stainless Steel Surgical Tools

Results here of an effort to identify a potentiodynamic means of inducing corrosion in laser-etched areas of stainless steel tools. The electrochemical technique should be able to distinguish between “good” and “bad” etches relatively quickly so that it may be used to help refine the laser etch process, and ultimately assist in quality assurance.

Product Number: 51300-07675-SG
ISBN: 07675 2007 CP
Author: Lorrie A. Krebs
Publication Date: 2007

While not necessarily implanted into the body, a variety of tools are used during the course of a surgery that make contact with internal body fluids and tissues. Keeping reusable tools in good condition and corrosion-free is obviously important. Laser etching is one means of placing identifying marks on such tools without introducing additional materials such as inks, dyes, adhesives, etc. However, laser- etched areas can sometimes develop corrosion due to sensitization in the etch area caused by excessive local heating. The results reported here represent an initial effort to identify a potentiodynamic means of inducing corrosion in the laser-etched areas of stainless steel tools if localized sensitization occurred as a result of overheating during the etching procedure. The electrochemical technique should be able to distinguish between “good” and “bad” etches relatively quickly so that it may be used to help refine the laser etch process, and ultimately assist in quality assurance screening for laser etched items sold for use in surgical or other medical environments.

Keywords: sensitization, stainless steel, potentiodynamic polarization, cyclic polarization, reactivation


While not necessarily implanted into the body, a variety of tools are used during the course of a surgery that make contact with internal body fluids and tissues. Keeping reusable tools in good condition and corrosion-free is obviously important. Laser etching is one means of placing identifying marks on such tools without introducing additional materials such as inks, dyes, adhesives, etc. However, laser- etched areas can sometimes develop corrosion due to sensitization in the etch area caused by excessive local heating. The results reported here represent an initial effort to identify a potentiodynamic means of inducing corrosion in the laser-etched areas of stainless steel tools if localized sensitization occurred as a result of overheating during the etching procedure. The electrochemical technique should be able to distinguish between “good” and “bad” etches relatively quickly so that it may be used to help refine the laser etch process, and ultimately assist in quality assurance screening for laser etched items sold for use in surgical or other medical environments.

Keywords: sensitization, stainless steel, potentiodynamic polarization, cyclic polarization, reactivation


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