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Top-of-the-line corrosion (TLC) of carbon steel (CS) pipelines can be encountered during the transportation of wet gas under stratified flow conditions where temperature differences between the internal and external environments results in condensation of saturated vapors and water-wetted surface on the upper portion of the inside pipeline surface causing corrosion issues.1 Initially at least, the condensed water phase can be particularly corrosive with a low pH caused by dissolved acid gases (such as carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide) as well as organic acids in an unbuffered thin water film. Like bottom-of-the-line corrosion, TLC can be dominated by either carbon dioxide or hydrogen sulfide corrosion mechanisms.
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One of the frequent and major problems encountered in the oil and gas production is theinternal corrosion of carbon steel pipelines. Corrosion can be categorized into uniform (orgeneral) corrosion, localized corrosion and erosion-corrosion. Uniform corrosion causesoverall metal loss and general thinning of metal. Localized corrosion has the appearanceof pits or grooves.
Upstream oil and gas companies operate oil gathering systems comprising a flowline network and process facilities that transport the flow of produced fluids from the wells to a main processing plant. The frequency of corrosion related leaks has increased recently despite a corrosion inhibitor is injected at the wellhead into all flowlines. A root-cause analysis conducted by several companies revealed that severe internal corrosion was caused by a low fluid flow velocity an increasing water cut and the presence of sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) in the production streams. Nevertheless it was not clear why some of the flowlines may leak while others do not leak despite the composition of produced fluids principal design parameters (diameter and length) dosage of corrosion inhibitor and environmental conditions of the flowlines are similar. A diagnostic analysis of different oil flowlines of was carried out to gain an understanding of why a first group of oil flowlines is developing leaks and why a second group of flowlines has not experienced leaks. The methodology used for the diagnostic analysis comprises 1) Ultra-High Definition simulation of 3-phase or 4-phase flow of gas oil water and solids; 2) 3D imaging of phase distributions inside critical sections of the oil flowlines as per NACE ICDA; 3) mapping adverse operational conditions; and 4) the determination of probability of failure in the critical sections based on criteria depending on the severity of operating conditions inside and outside the flowlines. It was found that multiple sections were exposed to stagnant water and/or had a fraction of internal surface area covered by a stationary bed of solids (formation solids produced from the well). The identified causes of potential leaks comprise the following failure mechanisms: a) metal loss caused by colonies of SRB b) composed load acting on the pipe wall and c) cyclic" thermal expansion/contraction of the flowlines due to seasonal ambient temperature variations. One of the surprising findings of this study was that a shorter flowline with a lower water cut may have multiple leaks while a longer flowline with a higher water may not leak at all approximately for the same period after commissioning. This result was explained with help of maps of adverse operational conditions constructed for the two groups of flowlines. Immediate corrective mitigation actions and preventive actions were implemented to reduce leak frequency including the installation of a novel automatic flushing system.
In pipeline corrosion management practice, one challenge is how to locate the most corrosive area along the right-of-way of an existing pipeline. Pipeline networks are complex systems containing different grades of multiphase crude oil coming from dissimilar reservoirs, which results in fluids having dissimilar chemical and physical properties along each network. The fluid starts flowing into a pipeline at a certain pressure, temperature, and associated velocity.
An experimental study of corrosion of carbon steel in the presence of H2S, CO2 and acetic acid has been carried out. H2S and CO2 partial pressures up to 10 bar each were applied, with temperatures of 25 and 90oC.
Several mechanisms including Hydrogen-Enhanced Localised Plasticity (HELP) and Hydrogen-Enhanced De-cohesion (HEDE) have been identified as contributing to the hydrogen embrittlement susceptibility of UNS N07718, depending upon microstructural particularities in the material.
It has become somewhat common in the oil and gas industry to convert producing wells containing 13Cr stainless steels to water injection wells. This practice has led to numerous tubing failures due to pitting of the 13Cr from oxygen dissolved in the injection water. The water source for these wells is often from produced water and seawater but other waters may also be injected.
The catastrophic failure of high-strength low-alloy (HSLA) carbon steel C110 pipelines can cause huge economic loss and environmental pollution. Most studies reported that sulfide stress cracking (SSC) is the principal failure type of C110 pipelines in sour environments. The mechanism of SSC can be described as follows: The adsorbed H2S on the steel surface can accelerate the hydrogen uptake by accelerating the hydrogen reduction reaction and catalyzing the hydrogen absorption process. The absorbed hydrogen atoms accumulate in the stress-concentrated region.
H2S corrosion, also known as sour corrosion, is a very serious type of metal degradation in oil and gas transmission pipelines. When H2S is present in an operating pipeline, localized corrosion is the type of attack which contributes to the most failures in oilfields, consequently, its impact on the economics of oil and gas production is indisputable. Therefore, mitigation of this type of corrosion could prevent such failures and significantly enhance asset integrity while reducing maintenance costs as well as eliminating environmental damage.
Electrochemical methods have long been utilized to provide real-time corrosion information but have rarely been used to study localized corrosion. Most recently, electrochemical methods such as electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and cyclic polarization (CP) were investigated to predict pitting tendencies and the work was presented in 2022.
Based on this work, it was proved that CP technique can be used to predict localized corrosion tendency of continuous corrosion inhibitors.