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On-Site Parameter Measurements And Corrosion Coupon Tests Of Buried Pipeline Subject To AC Interferences Of High Speed Railway

With the rapid development of the economy and acceleration of urban modernization, many high-speed railways and buried pipelines have been built in China. Due to the limitation of space or geographical location, high-speed railways are often constructed in parallel or crossing with long-distance pipelines in some locations. The interference of high-speed railways on pipelines is the result of inductive and conductive coupling, which brings about AC corrosion and other safety issues.

Product Number: 51322-17725-SG
Author: Le Chen, Jianjun Li, Yanxia Du, Nianpei Tian, Jia Liu, Yi Liang
Publication Date: 2022

Field measurements and corrosion coupon tests were carried out on a long-distance pipeline close to a high-speed railway. The spacing between the buried pipeline and high-speed railway is less than 500m and the parallel length of them is about 40 km. There are three intersections along the way, and the pipeline is subjected to dynamic AC interference. The AC and DC parameters were tested for 24 hours, and the dynamic interference characteristics were obtained by analyzing the tested data. In addition, corrosion coupons were buried at three locations along the pipeline. Through 11 months, the corrosion morphologies, corrosion products and corrosion rates of corrosion coupons under dynamic AC interference were obtained, and the correlation between dynamic interference parameters and corrosion behavior was analyzed, which provided a reference for corrosion risk evaluation under dynamic AC interference.

Field measurements and corrosion coupon tests were carried out on a long-distance pipeline close to a high-speed railway. The spacing between the buried pipeline and high-speed railway is less than 500m and the parallel length of them is about 40 km. There are three intersections along the way, and the pipeline is subjected to dynamic AC interference. The AC and DC parameters were tested for 24 hours, and the dynamic interference characteristics were obtained by analyzing the tested data. In addition, corrosion coupons were buried at three locations along the pipeline. Through 11 months, the corrosion morphologies, corrosion products and corrosion rates of corrosion coupons under dynamic AC interference were obtained, and the correlation between dynamic interference parameters and corrosion behavior was analyzed, which provided a reference for corrosion risk evaluation under dynamic AC interference.

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Picture for 07042 Harmonic Analysis Study of the AC Corrosion of Buried Pipelines Under Cathodic Protection
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07042 Harmonic Analysis Study of the AC Corrosion of Buried Pipelines Under Cathodic Protection

Product Number: 51300-07042-SG
ISBN: 07042 2007 CP
Author: I. Ibrahim, H. Takenouti, B. Tribollet, X. Campaignolle, S. Fontaine, P. France, and H-G. Schoeneich
Publication Date: 2007