
Corrosion Resistance Of Stainless Steels And Nickel Alloys In Natural Seawater

Product Number: 51321-16515-SG
Author: Sandra Le Manchet/ Martin Monnot/ Emilie Robin
Publication Date: 2021

The corrosion resistance of metallic materials in natural seawater is arousing more and more interest from engineering companies and Oil & Gas end-users. Indeed, hydrotesting and flooding operations are very often conducted to check the quality of the vessels and piping systems. In this case, seawater may cause pitting corrosion and crevice corrosion. Seawater is a very complex and corrosive environment due to its high amount of chlorides, and to the presence of algae, bacteria and many other components that may lead to the formation of a biofilm on the surface of the steel. In addition, during an hydrotest, the temperature of the steel can dramatically increase under the effect of sun and reach relatively high temperatures. This paper provides an update on the resistance of various corrosion resistant alloys in natural seawater at 30°C (86°F) and 75°C (167°F). Three materials are investigated: UNS N08904, N08825 and N06625. They are today commonly used in the Oil & Gas industry, especially in the upstream part. UNS N08825 and N06625 are often cladded to carbon steel to get a cost-efficient metallic solution for piping systems.

Key words: Stainless steel, nickel alloy, austenitic, seawater, pitting corrosion, crevice corrosion

The corrosion resistance of metallic materials in natural seawater is arousing more and more interest from engineering companies and Oil & Gas end-users. Indeed, hydrotesting and flooding operations are very often conducted to check the quality of the vessels and piping systems. In this case, seawater may cause pitting corrosion and crevice corrosion. Seawater is a very complex and corrosive environment due to its high amount of chlorides, and to the presence of algae, bacteria and many other components that may lead to the formation of a biofilm on the surface of the steel. In addition, during an hydrotest, the temperature of the steel can dramatically increase under the effect of sun and reach relatively high temperatures. This paper provides an update on the resistance of various corrosion resistant alloys in natural seawater at 30°C (86°F) and 75°C (167°F). Three materials are investigated: UNS N08904, N08825 and N06625. They are today commonly used in the Oil & Gas industry, especially in the upstream part. UNS N08825 and N06625 are often cladded to carbon steel to get a cost-efficient metallic solution for piping systems.

Key words: Stainless steel, nickel alloy, austenitic, seawater, pitting corrosion, crevice corrosion

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