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Periodical chemical analysis of samples (Fluid / Solid Deposits / Gas), is one of the most important aspects in determining prevalent damage mechanisms in oil and gas facilities. In a sense, the trends for the different variables (such as, water content, pH, H2S, CO2, bacterial growth, sulfates, sulfides…etc.) will provide insights for the environmental condition of a specific process stream. If the findings are critical, it will have a significant impact, as it will enable asset owners to determine the immediate corrosion risks, taking proper preventive and mitigating actions and also aid in forecasting future integrity/reliability concerns that companies may encounter. In this paper, the authors will discuss sampling results of a specific process stream, analyze the data, and compare the results to the overall risk generated from RBI software. This will have significant added value to other operators and companies, as it will show that sound chemical analysis and interpretation is capable to confidently predict the corrosion susceptibility and help an organization to align its asset integrity plan to sustain reliable operation.
Key words: Sample Analysis, Parameters, Assessment, Corrosion Forecasting, RBI
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