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51316-7175-Cathodic Protection of Concrete Caissons and Deck of a Ship Repair Yard

Two types of impressed current cathodic protection and a sacrificial method were used to protect over 100000m2 of reinforced concrete caissons and deck slab of a new ship repair yard.  This paper describes the CP and monitoring systems used and compares the monitoring results from the different types of system and probe.

Product Number: 51316-7175-SG
ISBN: 7175 2016 CP
Author: Rod Callon
Publication Date: 2016

Two types of impressed current cathodic protection and a sacrificial method were used to protect over 100000m2 of reinforced concrete caissons and deck slab of a new ship repair yard. The structures comprised of 53 caissons weighing 4000 tonnes each forming over 2km of quays and piers. The specification required that the systems were monitored using Reference Electrodes coupons and current pick up probes. All current adjustments and monitoring was to be from one central location.This paper describes the CP and monitoring systems used and compares the monitoring results from the different types of system and probe. Slip forming of the pre cast caissons presented unique problems that had to be overcome and the sheer size of the installation made monitoring and performance testing a challenge. The performance of the CP systems and the remote monitoring and control system are discussed in detail.

Key words: downloadable, Impressed, current cathodic protection, concrete, slipform, tidal, remote monitoring, depolarisation, sacrificial

Two types of impressed current cathodic protection and a sacrificial method were used to protect over 100000m2 of reinforced concrete caissons and deck slab of a new ship repair yard. The structures comprised of 53 caissons weighing 4000 tonnes each forming over 2km of quays and piers. The specification required that the systems were monitored using Reference Electrodes coupons and current pick up probes. All current adjustments and monitoring was to be from one central location.This paper describes the CP and monitoring systems used and compares the monitoring results from the different types of system and probe. Slip forming of the pre cast caissons presented unique problems that had to be overcome and the sheer size of the installation made monitoring and performance testing a challenge. The performance of the CP systems and the remote monitoring and control system are discussed in detail.

Key words: downloadable, Impressed, current cathodic protection, concrete, slipform, tidal, remote monitoring, depolarisation, sacrificial

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