
Vessels Replacement Program to Enhance Safety and Reliability

South Ghawar Producing Department has exerted substantial efforts towards executing a seldom project of replacing numbers of extraordinary vessels. Those horizontal vessels were recommended for replacement due to major and excessive Step Wise Cracking, irregular blister and inclusions identified in several traps. These vessels are subject to Hydrogen Induced Cracking, known as HIC and this is mainly SGPD facilities were constructed on old time where SAES was not mandating to utilize HIC resistance material. In 2014, a company wide survey started and as a result 27 out of 121 were identified with HIC damage. To overcome these challenges, SGPD developed a robust action plan, which consists of two parts:
● Long Term Plan which is replacing the impacted vessels with upgraded material “HIC resistance material”
● Short Term Plan to continue the safe and reliable operation of impacted vessels until the vessels are replaced by managing and monitoring HIC growth.
With the short and long term action plan, SGPD controlled HIC concern in affected vessels. But we didn’t want to stop here and we wanted to go the extra mile and add a proactive measure rather than only reactive. Therefore, we partnered with R&DC to implement a proactive initiative at SGPD as the first department in Saudi Aramco called Step-Wise Hydrogen Induced Cracking Toolkit which falls under IR.4.0.

Product Number: MPWT19-15496
Author: Ahmad M. Al-Abdulqader
Publication Date: 2019
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Picture for Using Robotic Inspection for Flare System to Avoid Plant Shutdown
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Using Robotic Inspection for Flare System to Avoid Plant Shutdown

Product Number: MPWT19-14300
Author: Amro Hassanein
Publication Date: 2019

From day to day, Robots advance from testing in labs to operating in the outside world. The
industrial application of Robotic technologies continually increases, providing unique solutions for
different challenges. Flare System is an important and critical equipment required for continuous
safe operations for any petrochemical plant addressing proper burning of excess hydrocarbon
gases, unusable gases which cannot be recovered or recycled, and gas flaring protects against
the dangers of over-pressure. This paper discusses the different types of robotic inspection,
advantages, and limitations based on actual site demonstrations. As an innovative case, here to
introduce actual business case for close aerial inspection and surveying technique to avoid
polyethylene plant shutdown and providing a reliable inspection technique for on-stream integrity
evaluation for the flare tip. Drones, formally known as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), are a
flying robot that can be remotely controlled, and offer an innovative inspection method launched
between 2006-2008 for Engineering professional aerial inspection and surveying using Remotely
Operated Aerial Vehicles (ROAVs). The visual inspection detection accuracy of (ROAV) offer
higher than the normal visual inspection and easily approach all the flare structure from four
directions. Drone inspection cost is competitive considering the cost of maintenance to dismantle
the flare tip. Drone inspection can be used to assess the elevated flare parts for any seriously
damage in order to define a clear maintenance scope ahead of shutdown.