
The Complexities of SSC testing of SMSS From A Steelmaker’s Perspective

Norsok M-650 qualification of 13Cr Super Martensitic Stainless Steel (SMSS) requires sulphide stress corrosion cracking (SSC) testing. The present investigation evaluated three casts processed by hot rolling and heat treated to a specified minimum yield strength (SMYS) of 110ksi. Testing was conducted as per NACE TM0177 Method A by two testing laboratories under identical conditions.The influence of microstructural phases specimen preparations and control of test parameters are assessed in relation to SSC performance. Specifically this paper discusses the complexities of SSC testing from a steelmaker’s perspective.

Product Number: 51319-12893-SG
Author: Kuangnan Chi
Publication Date: 2019
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Picture for Laboratory Testing for SSC Resistance of Sour Service Material Relevant to HPHT Conditions
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51314-4415-Laboratory Testing for SSC Resistance of Sour Service Material Relevant to HPHT Conditions

Product Number: 51314-4415-SG
ISBN: 4415 2014 CP
Author: Avidipto Biswas
Publication Date: 2014