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Strategy and Results of an Impressed Current Cathodic Protecton Retrofit in the North Sea

This paper discusses the design process and challenges in choosing what was at the time, the largest ever cathodic protection retrofit in terms of delivered current capacity offshore, and the actual current the structure required to maintain protection.

Product Number: 51317--8957-SG
ISBN: 8957 2017 CP
Author: Alex Delwiche
Publication Date: 2017

An oil drilling and producing jacket was installed in the North Sea in 1980 100 miles off the coast of Scotland in 160 m depth seawater. The jacket has 8 legs and was installed with traditional standoff galvanic anodes.Surveys from 2010 to 2013 indicated a reduction in corrosioinprotection from the cathodic protection system and plans were implemented to upgrade the cathodic protection system. In 2015 a remote anode sled impressed current cathodic protection system was installed and commissioned in early 2016.This paper discusses the design process in choosing what is at the time the largest ever cathodic protection retrofit in terms of delivered current capacity offshore and the actual current the structurerequired.

Key words: Cathodic Protection Retrofit, Offshore ICCP, Current Density

An oil drilling and producing jacket was installed in the North Sea in 1980 100 miles off the coast of Scotland in 160 m depth seawater. The jacket has 8 legs and was installed with traditional standoff galvanic anodes.Surveys from 2010 to 2013 indicated a reduction in corrosioinprotection from the cathodic protection system and plans were implemented to upgrade the cathodic protection system. In 2015 a remote anode sled impressed current cathodic protection system was installed and commissioned in early 2016.This paper discusses the design process in choosing what is at the time the largest ever cathodic protection retrofit in terms of delivered current capacity offshore and the actual current the structurerequired.

Key words: Cathodic Protection Retrofit, Offshore ICCP, Current Density

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