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Pertinent mechanisms of scale and deposition control processes as well as the sources of contaminants are discussed. Methods of prevention and control parameters are demonstrated with laboratory and field results.
Iron, copper and hardness scale deposition occurring on boiler generating surfaces seriously impact steam generation in industrial steam boilers and generators. Deposits lead to a loss in efficiency, serious corrosion and short and long term overheating problems leading ultimately to tube failures. Corrosion problems associated with deposits are generally ductile gouging or caustic gouging (underdeposit corrosion or UDC). This may also lead to hydrogen damage. Pertinent mechanisms of scale and deposition control processes as well as the sources of contaminants are discussed. Well established methods of prevention and control parameters are demonstrated with laboratory and field results.
Key words: Underdeposit corrosion, gouging, boilers, scale,
Under-deposit corrosion is a common mode of failure in boiler tubes. Mechanisms include phosphate attack, caustic gouging, hydrogen damage, and wall thinning due to metal loss. Many aspects of these mechanisms and their mitigation are well-understood, while certain specific details remain uncertain or subject to controversy.
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This work presents the results of a field-based study designed to evaluate the corrosion performance of five alloys exposed in a Canadian biomass-fired boiler attached to a gasifier for 3,552 hours.