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Over the past few decades surface preparation standards have been implemented to provide guidance on determining the necessary surface cleanliness for specific applications. Prior to such standards, surfaces were prepared as they saw fit at the time of application which created high variability in performance of the protective coating. Since the standards were developed, the resulting performance consistency has become increased significantly. Such standards discuss a visual inspection of the steel after an abrasive material has been used to remove scale, rust, and other discoloration soils.
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The major damage mechanisms for Precast Concrete Cylinder Pipe (PCCP) are well-known for both water transmission mains and wastewater force mains.
In oil refineries, one corrosion issue occurs each week worldwide that leads to a severe incident such as sudden leakages, e.g., resulting from pipe ruptures.[1] These facts emphasize the need for corrosion control in refineries. Corrosion monitoring is one important approach to utilize and can maximize equipment integrity and productivity.
As governments around the world seek to promote the adoption of lower-carbon fuels, credits are available for fuels which satisfy various low-carbon or renewable fuels standards. In the United States, the most common standards discussed include California’s Low Carbon Fuels Standard1 and the US EPA’s Renewable Fuel Standard2. These standards define the acceptable methods (called pathways) for conversion of renewable feeds into consumer fuel products. In order for a producer to be eligible for credits, one of the acceptable pathways must be used. The most common pathway presently being used or considered by most facilities is hydrotreating.
The data produced in this study indicates that there are differences between the ICRI CSP comparator panels and TACM CSP comparator panels. Further, there are differences between taking direct measurements from known surfaces (i.e., the ICRI and TACM CSP panels) and obtaining indirect measurements from an epoxy putty casting of those same known surfaces. Therefore, it is important that the specifier indicate which method is to be used when qualitative or quantitative methods are invoked in the contract documents.
The subject wells are part of a project by San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) todevelop a groundwater supply in the South Westside Basin of San Francisco for use duringdrought conditions for Daly City, San Bruno, and the South San Francisco District. The projectincludes construction of 13 groundwater wells with a total capacity of 7.2 million gallons per day(mgd). During routine maintenance inspection of two of the wells in Daly City, severe corrosionwas observed on the pump columns and on the stainless steel pump shaft.
Corrosion is one of the major issues in oil and gas production, as well as geothermal energy due to the aggressive environments, such as high temperatures and pressures.1, 2 Material selection for downhole tubing is therefore paramount importance to ensure well integrity. Thus, the selected materials must be corrosion resistant, cost-effective, reliable, and have the required strength for such arduous conditions.
Food consists mainly of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. Processed foods contain diverse aqueous solutions, syrups, and additives, used to improve food appearance, taste, quality and preservation. They have a wide pH range, components such as, salt, water, and vinegar impact food corrosivity.
Cobalt (Co) - Chromium (Cr) based alloys are known for exhibiting a superior combination of corrosion resistance, erosion resistance, galling resistance, and high temperature strength. They have found a wide variety of applications in automotive, aerospace, chemical and biomedical applications. They are frequently known as the Stellite† grade of families (ex: Stellite† 1, Stellite† 6, Stellite† 12, Stellite† 21, etc.) and are broadly classified into the Co-Cr-Mo-C and the Co-Cr-W-C systems. The relatively high Carbon (C)and Tungsten (W) containing (Co-Cr) alloys are mostly used for their high wear properties.
This paper describes the development of a formal corrosion inspection and condition assessment program to support corrosion and asset management planning for maritime structures at Port Houston. A hierarchical, elemental-based inspection approach was developed using visual inspection criteria and prescribed measurements to characterize the condition of coatings and cathodic protection systems for above- and underwater elements in maritime structures.
Dubai Petroleum (the Operator) operates five offshore oil fields in the Emirate of Dubai (Fateh, South West Fateh, Falah, Jallilah and Rashid), in addition to various onshore gas production, storage, distribution and import facilities, and LNG import facilities. The assets within these offshore fields consist of approximately 80 platforms of various sizes, comprising central bridge linked processing facilities in Fateh and South West Fateh, and outlying normally unmanned wellhead production platforms. These platforms are linked by a network of over 150 subsea pipelines, of which over 30 are presently operational sea water injection pipelines.
Pipelines and rigid risers made in conventional X65 grade require large wall thickness to withstand the high loads imposed during installation and under operating conditions in deep and ultra-deepwater field developments. The use of high-strength steels like X80 is an attractive alternative since it improves catenary weight by reducing wall thickness.