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Many asset owners struggle to identify the root cause of fluctuating corrosion rates due to unreliable inspection data. Facilities worldwide are tasked with monitoring thousands of Condition Monitoring Locations (CMLs) with established NDE techniques such as manual ultrasonic testing and radiography. While these techniques can provide valuable “snapshots” of the condition of particular locations, limitations and inherent errors can compound leading to ill-advised decision making. Manually taken thickness data can vary greatly and result in unwarranted complacency or excessive and costly inspections.
Many asset owners struggle to identify the root cause of fluctuating corrosion rates due to unreliable, infrequent, or sheer lacks of quantity of inspection data to make informed decisions on asset health. Facilities worldwide are tasked with monitoring thousands of Condition Monitoring Locations (CMLs) with established NDE techniques such as manual ultrasonic testing and radiography. While these techniques can provide valuable “snapshots” of the condition of particular locations, limitations and inherent errors can compound leading to ill-advised decision making.
Impressed current cathodic protection (ICCP) is one corrosion management approach adopted by the Port of Newcastle (PoN) for their reinforced concrete wharves. The Port’s West Basin 3 wharf, has ICCP systems installed to select substructure concrete elements (beams). The West Basin 3 ICCP system to the front beam soffit section was installed in 1998 (rear beam soffit sections having been protected from 2014). Other ICCP systems have also been installed by the PoN during the period 2002 to 2005 for the West Basin Wharf 4, East Basin (1 & 2) wharves and the Kooragang K2 wharf. This paper provides background to the different ICCP systems utilized and details performance results for the West Basin 3 front beam ICCP system dating back more than 20 years. Monitoring results are presented and discussed. Performance assessment to protection criteria is undertaken and the CP system maintenance requirements are summarized.
Carbon capture and storage (CCS) or utilisation (CCU) of the captured carbon dioxide (CO2) are tools for reducing global carbon emissions, and to combat climate change both are required. According to the IEA1, in 2021, the global capacity of CCS grew by 48%i, showing that this technology is becoming more popular to meet sustainability targets.
The author has utilized two types of instruments in conducting hydrogen studies. Hydrogen analyzers are used extensively in both the laboratory and in industrial steam generating plants. This is a collection of five case studies.
This standard practice describes the use of iron counts as a corrosion-monitoring method and some common problems encountered when using this method. This standard is a guide for those designing corrosion-monitoring programs as well as those carrying out the programs in the field.
This AMPP standard practice provides guidance in controlling and monitoring for corrosion, bacteria, and water quality to corrosion engineers, field corrosion, production, technical, and operating personnel, and others involved in corrosion control of seawater injection systems. This standard includes descriptions of equipment and practices for controlling and monitoring corrosion in seawater injection systems. This standard does not cover all corrosion monitoring methods including but not limited to: Periodic External UT and Downhole inspection tools.
A case study of a major CP system operating in Australia for 15 years and proposal of a series of changes to current practices which can be considered for implementation in the design, installation and monitoring stages of new impressed current cathodic protection systems in concrete.
This NACE Standard describes a variety of devices used for on-line monitoring of fouling, corrosion, and other parameters in recirculating cooling tower water systems.
Devices used for on-line monitoring of fouling, corrosion, and other parameters in recirculating cooling tower water systems. Methods for collecting test data to determine fouling and corrosion rates. Historical Document 2002