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When establishing the minimum conditions suitable for coating concrete, many coating manufacturers, and hence specifying engineers and contractors, generally rely on unrealistic moisture content and moisture vapor emission rate requirements. These compulsory values are founded on laboratory testing rather than field experience, or worse still, on supposition rooted in unachievable and unrelated requisites.
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One of the greatest problems facing the flooring industry is moisture vapor emission associated with concrete floors. Coatings blister and peel, wood flooring warps and buckles, adhesives fail to perform and carpet grows mold costing millions of dollars in claims, repairs and serviceability issues. This paper will discuss the causes, evaluation and mitigation methods to address this issue.
Moisture problems are prevalent all over North America, almost independent of climate. With an understanding of moisture in concrete and the various test methods available to quantify that moisture, simple strategies to mitigate moisture problems can be employed. But a strategy cannot be employed if the moisture problem is never quantified. This presentation identifies the various types of moisture issues present day in and day out and outlines the methods available to discover hidden moisture conditions.
Construction drying and climate control for major projects including Mission Critical Campuses (Data Centers), Healthcare/Institutional Facilities, and Major Construction/Retrofit Opportunities have become a necessity and not a luxury. Quick turnaround and timely completion have proven to be huge economic factors to facility owners, general contractors, and specialized subcontractors alike. Mission Critical Campus and Healthcare/Institutional Facility Construction specifically are on the rise, which is creating additional challenges for the construction teams.
Corrosion under insulation (CUI) is corrosion that results from moisture buildup on equipment covered by insulation. CUI is commonly classified as galvanic, chloridic, acidic, and/or alkaline in nature. CUI is widespread. 2017 NACE E-book
Understanding the key components that cause osmotic blisters is essential to not only applying the proper concrete floor coating, but potentially walking away from a possible high-risk floor. Resinous floor coatings are organic coatings that have limitations. Coating failures are typically linked to moisture in the concrete slab. This can be a problem for resinous floor coatings that aren't moisture tolerant.
Chloride induced corrosion is the prime reason for the degradation of embedded rebar in reinforced concrete marine structures. The present study experimentally investigates the effectiveness of traditional two-component epoxy (EPX), and moisture-cure polyurethane coatings (MC) applied on the concrete surface in reducing the rate of chloride ingression compared to the conventional concrete with and without mineral admixtures like fly ash and GGBS. Coatings used in the present study are characterized by XRD, EDAX, FEG-SEM, water uptake, adhesion strength and contact angle tests. Rapid chloride migration tests (RCMT) were conducted on concrete with and without coatings. Resistivity offered against the chloride migration monitored during the RCMT test indicated that concrete with MC shown higher resistivity in the initial period and continued to decrease over the test duration at a faster rate, unlike EPX. The non-steady-state migration coefficients of the concrete cured for 28days and coated with MC and EPX coatings were found to be nearly 22% and 48% of that of concrete with SCM cured for 84days respectively. The study is further extended to monitor the corrosion of rebar embedded in coated concrete subjected to corrosion acceleration until the first crack appeared on an uncoated specimen. Variation in current flow, half-cell potentials recorded during the acceleration test and actual mass loss of embedded rebar estimated by gravimetric analysis are presented in this paper.
The essence of this paper is to talk about internal corrosion found in deadleg piping at the Enbridge Gas Transmission, & Midstream (GTM) Egan Hub Partners Storage Facility and especially how the corrosion was evaluated after the deadlegs were removed. The salt dome cavern storage facility is in south central Louisiana. The internal corrosion was found in the piping that comes from the storage caverns and goes through pressure reduction stations and then through dehydrations systems.
Vapor resistance properties of architectural coatings that are used on or within an exterior wall can directly influence the moisture performance of the assembly. Through the use of computer modeling, the effect that various coating applications have on common exterior wall assemblies are studied using varying indoor and outdoor climatic conditions.
The moisture assessment was determined by using a combination of 4 different methods rather than using one single method. On previous projects, the consultants had experience with the inaccuracy of some of the methods.
Moisture testing of concrete substrates has become a common practice in the floor coatings industry. Even though most contractors and field technicians are capable of performing the testing, they don’t really understand what the data they are collecting means, other than the acceptance criteria established by the product manufacturer of the coating or flooring being installed.
The importance of moisture testing of concrete floors cannot be stressed enough. Moisture is a leading cause of coatings failures on concrete floors. There are many ways moisture can affect floor coatings on concrete. Moisture testing alone is not sufficient enough at detecting all of the potential problems. Inspecting a building prior to performing any tests will provide a much clearer picture of the potential problems moisture in both liquid and vapor form can pose.