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The Permian Basin is a shale sedimentary basin approximately 250 miles wide and 300 miles long. It is located in western Texas and southeastern New Mexico. Chevron has been active in the Permian Basin through its legacy companies since the early 1920s.
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Pressurized Atlas Cell Testing is commonly understood to be an aggressive accelerated test for lining systems due the combination of pressure, temperature and a thermal gradient across the coating film known as the Cold Wall Effect. This is especially true when Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is added to the gas phase, as CO2 is miscible with oil and soluble in water. A familiar gas mix of 5% CO2, 5% Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S), and 90% Methane (CH4) are used in test protocols to simulate head space conditions of tanks and pressure vessels in oil and gas production conditions.
For engineers and maintenance personnel who design, operate, and maintain large, multi–stage wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) Basics of corrosion of metals and degradation of non–metals, including concrete, and how to mitigate them. 3rd edition 2016 NACE
For engineers and maintenance personnel who design, operate, and maintain large, multi–stage wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) Basics of corrosion of metals and degradation of non–metals, including concrete, and how to mitigate them. 3rd edition 2016 NACE E-Book
The terminal is subdivided for Oil, Gas and Produced Water plants. Each of these plants has number of storage tanks. The age of the tanks varies between 15-25 years. The products held within these tanks varies, from crude oil, condensate, produced water, potable water, to off spec oil and diesel fuel.
Most of the tanks within the facility have a similar CP arrangement and design. Each tank base is protected by an impressed current grid mesh anode buried in compacted, clean, sand backfill beneath the tank base and is powered by a transformer-rectifier placed outside the bund wall or within an electrical switch room. Permanent reference electrodes are installed beneath all tank bases to enable accurate potential measurements. Reference electrodes vary from Copper/Copper Sulphate, Silver/Silver Chloride to Zinc.
Corrosion and cavitation erosion on steel structures are problems and can have a huge impact on safety and economy. In order to prevent corrosion, protective coatings can be used as a barrier between the steel surface and the corrosive elements such as seawater or various liquid cargos. However, when coating systems fail the surface will be exposed to the environment with all consequences. From that perspective, the weakest link is the coating used to protect the steel.
Control de humedad y temperatura se usa para obtener mejor calidad de recubrimientos. Para ingenieros y contratistas quienes hacen especificaciones para proyectos de recubrimiento de tanques y espacios cerrados.
为钢质液舱/储罐、船舶/容器以及其它密闭空间的 涂装/加衬里所进行的表面处理、施工和 固化过程中的减湿和温度控制 How dehumidification and temperature control are being used to achieve higher-quality coating/lining projects.
Mitigation of corrosion of iron pipe and fittings. Engineering practices for ductile- and cast-iron pipe. Protective measures and their results. Influences of the different properties of the two types of iron.
DOWNLOADABLE HISTORICAL DOCUMENT-Requirements to ensure adequate isolation of cathodically protected pipelines, especially those with high-quality dielectric coatings.
Overview of thermoplastic liners used in oilfield pipelines - usually applied to pipelines that contain water as a component. Current practices. Terminology, techniques, and applications of liners in the oil field.