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For pipe installed through bore methods, visual inspections and electronic coating holiday detectors during installation becomes impractical. This paper/presentation will discuss the steps we took as a pipeline operator to find a practical approach to performing a coating quality test on bored pipe.
Millions of dollars are being spent by pipeline operators to install brand new pipelines. A lot of focus has been spent by operators to ensure a good coating is installed including high specifications for coatingsapplied to mill applied coatings along with quality control measuresfor pipes being installed in a trench. These coating quality control measures included visual inspections and electronic coating holiday detectors. For pipe installed through boremethods inspectingcoating quality using these typical methods becomes impractical. This paper/presentation will discuss the steps we took as a pipeline operator to find a practical approach to performing a coating quality test on bored pipe.
Key words: horizontal directional drilling, HDD, bore, coatings, test methods
An alternative method to record the potential shift when performing a coating conductance test outlined in NACE TM0102-021 is proposed. This method utilizes an oscilloscope rather than a digital multimeter to capture the potential shift when performing the applied current method.
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