
Pitting Corrosion Damage Characterization of Stainless Steel Reinforced Concrete Beams

At early stages, reinforced concrete structures exposed to chloride ions are prone to pitting corrosion. In carbon steel reinforcement, pitting is expected to quickly transition into widespread corrosion damage. However, for stainless steels, a higher resistance to lateral corrosion spread is present. As the accumulation of corrosion products in the steel-concrete interface (SCI) can lead to concrete cover cracking, studying the corrosion damage on stainless steel reinforced concrete is of importance. This work focuses on characterizing pitting corrosion damage data on laboratory exposed (non-electrically polarized) stainless steel (SS410) reinforced concrete beams with different damage degrees to concrete cover. For that, digital microscopy, and 3D profilometry were used to characterize corrosion damage, and chloride titrations were used to determine the chloride concentrations at the SCI. Possible pit repassivation mechanisms that includes corrosion products are discussed. This data can then be incorporated in the development of more accurate pitting corrosion and corrosion-induced concrete cover cracking models.
Product Number: 51324-21108-SG
Author: Wesley Vitor Dantas de Carvalho Bezerra; Christopher Lewis Alexander
Publication Date: 2024
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