
Optimized Surface Preparation Method for Maintenance and Repair Coating

To achieve adequate protection of assets, use of a protective coating is one of predominant methods used in the oil and gas industry. There are several factors contribute in the coating service life, including surface preparation, coating application, coating material and environmental conditions. It is well known in the coating industry that 70% of the coating failures are attributed to improper surface preparation.

Product Number: MECC23-19877-SG
Author: Sangki Chi, Mohammed Alrudayni, Mana Al-Mansour
Publication Date: 2023

There are many methods for surface preparation in the coating industry, including abrasive blasting, power tools and hand tools. Experience proved that abrasive blasting is the best method for surface preparation, however it has some limitations for coating repair such as accessibility, time constrain and damaging to surrounding area, etc. New power tool technology was recently introduced to improve the performance of conventional power tool and hand tool methods. In this study, we have evaluated workability and coating performance with different surface preparation methods in accordance with international test standards.

There are many methods for surface preparation in the coating industry, including abrasive blasting, power tools and hand tools. Experience proved that abrasive blasting is the best method for surface preparation, however it has some limitations for coating repair such as accessibility, time constrain and damaging to surrounding area, etc. New power tool technology was recently introduced to improve the performance of conventional power tool and hand tool methods. In this study, we have evaluated workability and coating performance with different surface preparation methods in accordance with international test standards.

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