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NACE Publication 34103-2014-SG, Overview of Sulfidation (Sulfidic) Corrosion in Petroleum Refining Hydroprocessing Units

Predicting corrosion rates.  Areas of vulnerability in the distillation equipment associated with hydroprocessing units.  Corrosion rate and materials data from hydroprocessing units compared to previous data.

Product Number: 24222-SG
Publication Date: 2014


Assists in predicting corrosion rates and points out areas of vulnerability in the distillation equipment associated with hydroprocessing units. Intended for use by corrosion engineers and fixed-equipment inspectors. Summarizes recent corrosion rate and materials of construction data collected from operating hydroprocessing units and compares them to previously developed corrosion rate curves, based on data from numerous refinery units.

Assists in predicting corrosion rates and points out areas of vulnerability in the distillation equipment associated with hydroprocessing units. Intended for use by corrosion engineers and fixed-equipment inspectors. Summarizes recent corrosion rate and materials of construction data collected from operating hydroprocessing units and compares them to previously developed corrosion rate curves, based on data from numerous refinery units.

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