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Third-party paint inspection contracts provided an immediate, tangible benefit in supplying a qualified, certified coating inspector full-time to a painting project. Inspectors could be rapidly deployed and provided someone to the project with broad experience in painting projects; however, simply providing a third-party contract paint inspector to a project did not always ensure the project was completed properly.
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Selection and qualification of carbon and low-alloy steels, corrosion-resistant alloys, and other alloys for service in oil and natural gas production and treatment plants with H2S-containing environments.
CHINESE TRANSLATION. Selection and qualification of carbon and alloy steels for service in oil and natural gas production & treatment in H2S-containing environments. Multiple downloadable files.
HISTORICAL DOCUMENT. Requirements for qualification of an industrial coating and lining application specialist that includes surface preparation and coating application for steel and concrete surfaces of industrial structures.
This standard specifies requirements and gives recommendations for the pre-installation surveys, design, materials, equipment, fabrication, installation, commissioning, operation, inspection and maintenance of cathodic protection (CP) systems for offshore pipelines for the petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries as defined in ISO 13623. It is applicable to carbon steel, stainless steel and flexible pipelines in offshore service, and to retrofits, modifications and repairs made to existing pipeline systems. Key words: Cathodic protection, impressed current, offshore pipeline, CP system design, galvanic anode, galvanic anode manufacturing, galvanic anode quality control, pipeline design for CP This nationally adopted ISO standard is not available for complimentary download by members.
Establishment of criteria for the pilot-scale evaluation of the performance of cooling water additives under field-specific operating conditions.
The Bresle patch method is defined by ISO 8502-9. This standard establishes the equivalence of other methods for measuring the level of contamination of salts to results of that same Bresle patch method.
HISTORICAL DOCUMENT. Specification, selection & use of sensors for monitoring atmospheric corrosion. These sensors - based on electrochemical techniques - provide continuous records of contaminants, corrosion rates, or coating condition.
Answers for common questions concerning galvanic corrosion. Galvanic corrosion & how to stop it. Prevention. Additional offshore environments (low oxygen and high temperature), caustic soda and atmospheric applications. 2nd edition 2017 NACE
HISTORICAL DOCUMENT. Design, materials, and installation procedures that to attain long-term service from a variety of polymer flooring systems. For manufacturers, specifiers, applicators, and facility owners who specify protective polymer flooring systems for concrete.
Esta norma conjunta abrange o uso de abrasivos para jateamento com o objetivo de atingir um grau definido de limpeza de superfícies de aço antes da aplicação de um revestimento protetor ou um sistema de revestimento. Esta norma destina-se ao uso por especificadores, aplicadores, inspetores de cobertura ou revestimento ou outros que venham a ser responsáveis por definir um grau padrão de limpeza de superfície.
O foco desta norma é o jateamento abrasivo brush-off. O jateamento abrasivo ao metal branco, o jateamento abrasivo ao metal quase branco, o jateamento abrasivo comercial e o jateamento abrasivo industrial são abordados em normas separadas.
Esta norma conjunta da SSPC/NACE define o processo de preparação de uma superfície de aço-carbono ao grau de metal branco de limpeza superficial usando um método de jateamento abrasivo úmido (WAB) de limpeza. Esta norma destina-se ao uso por especificadores, aplicadores e inspetores de revestimentos ou outros cuja responsabilidade seja definir um grau padrão de limpeza superficial para superfícies de aço-carbono a ser alcançada por limpeza por jateamento abrasivo úmido.
A limpeza WAB é um processo que usa uma mistura de água e abrasivo que pode produzir diversos níveis de limpeza e perfil (aspereza) superficial similar aqueles obtidos por limpeza por jateamento abrasivo seco (DAB). A limpeza WAB pode ser especificada quando se deseja supressão de pó, e também pode ser um meio de reduzir a contaminação por sais solúveis. O nível de limpeza WAB especificado deve ser o mesmo que o grau de limpeza especificado correspondente para o processo de limpeza DAB.