
Material Selection for anthropogenic CO2 injection: mechanical and corrosion performances of steels under dense CO2 with impurities

Carbon capture and storage (CCS) are technologies aimed at capturing CO2, followed by transportation to a storage site and injection into one of several types of stable geological formations, to trap and prevent its subsequent emission. Though CO2 transport and injection for Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) are known for over 40 years, new challenges arise when the CO2 source is anthropogenic, meaning with a human-cause origin and not natural (as in EOR). EU Directive 2009/31/EC states that CO2 streams from power stations or industrial plants "shall consist overwhelmingly of CO2" but may contain associated incidental substances (e.g., SOx, NOx, O2, H2S).

Product Number: 51323-18886-SG
Author: Cécile Millet, Guillaume Néel, Luciana Lima, Diana Rodriguez Barrera
Publication Date: 2023

Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is considered as a key technology to reduce CO2 emissions. After its capture and transport, the CO2 stream is injected into one of several types of stable geological formations, such as depleted oil and gas reservoirs and saline formations. Although CO2 injection of produced CO2 from sour reservoirs has been well known for enhanced oil recovery (EOR), new technical challenges arise with CO2 captured from power stations or industrial plants, as the CO2 steam contains impurities which will increase the corrosiveness of the environment, and thus compromise the integrity of the material. Different scenarios and their related corrosion threats will be presented. Tests representative of bottom hole environment and shut in conditions have been defined and impact of impurities on different materials from super martensitic up to nickel-based alloys will be discussed. Another key aspect on material selection for CCS, is the resistance to low temperature. During service, injection wells will suffer from thermal shocks induced by Joule-Thomson Effect. The paper will present impact toughness transition curves of different materials, as martensitic, duplex, super duplex and nickel-based alloys, from different production routes, in quench and tempered (QT), solution annealed condition (SA) and cold worked condition (CW), down to -80°C.
Paper will conclude by summarizing technical challenges related to material selection for CO2 injection and storage that need to be addressed by the industry.

Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is considered as a key technology to reduce CO2 emissions. After its capture and transport, the CO2 stream is injected into one of several types of stable geological formations, such as depleted oil and gas reservoirs and saline formations. Although CO2 injection of produced CO2 from sour reservoirs has been well known for enhanced oil recovery (EOR), new technical challenges arise with CO2 captured from power stations or industrial plants, as the CO2 steam contains impurities which will increase the corrosiveness of the environment, and thus compromise the integrity of the material. Different scenarios and their related corrosion threats will be presented. Tests representative of bottom hole environment and shut in conditions have been defined and impact of impurities on different materials from super martensitic up to nickel-based alloys will be discussed. Another key aspect on material selection for CCS, is the resistance to low temperature. During service, injection wells will suffer from thermal shocks induced by Joule-Thomson Effect. The paper will present impact toughness transition curves of different materials, as martensitic, duplex, super duplex and nickel-based alloys, from different production routes, in quench and tempered (QT), solution annealed condition (SA) and cold worked condition (CW), down to -80°C.
Paper will conclude by summarizing technical challenges related to material selection for CO2 injection and storage that need to be addressed by the industry.

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