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Traditional paper documentation leads to several issues in both the field and home office. Paper documentation processes cause compliancy problems, poor data entry, and difficult communication between employees. Keeping data secure can also be problematic with paper reporting leading to inefficiency.
This comic book features Inspector Protector and his super hero team, working to save the world from the corrosion Grubzz. A classroom supplement intended to inform young students about corrosion engineering. Comic Book format - 24 pages.
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The presentation will describe the frustrations and problems architects experience because of insufficient or non-existent standards governing architectural coating materials and practices. Areas where standards need to be written or upgraded will be named and discussed.
Coating specifications frequently reference industry standards from organizations such as SSPC, ASTM, ISO and NACE. While specifications may reference a specific version or “year,” many simply state, “the latest version of the standard applies.” Many standards writing organizations require a review of the content of their documents every 5-years (or more frequently), and updates/revisions to standards can and oftentimes do occur. And new standards are developed and published to fill voids when a need for a standard is identified.