Effective management of buried piping begins with an understanding of the current condition of an asset through a progressive series of steps starting with cataloging known data about the design service and operational history through risk ranking and into prioritized inspections to establish a reasonable assurance of the current continued safe operating condition. For long term aging management a successful buried pipe program evaluates future corrosion degradation rates and establishes a frequency for reinispection combined with appropriate corrosion control measures. The cost of monitoring together with excavation and reinspection can become significant when projected 20 to 40 years in time. Therefore it can be more cost effective to perform a life cycle assessment of critical buried piping systems combined with realistic construction cost estimates shortly after the first round of inspections in a buried pipe program to provide the buried pipe program owner and management with realistic cash flow projections associated with the impact of leaks and maintenance costs against replacement options to maximize the reliability and cost viability of the plant. This paper will outline a comprehensive approach to evaluating the long term cost benefits of corrosion control versus pipe replacement options.