
51315-5925-Effect of Cl- on Corrosion Behavior of Austenitic Stainless Steel Under Sour Environment

Product Number: 51315-5925-SG
ISBN: 5925 2015 CP
Author: DaPeng Li
Publication Date: 2015

Effect of Cl- concentration on pitting susceptibility of UNS S31603 stainless steel was evaluated by immersion testing. Initiation and growth of pitting under sour environment of austenitic stainless steel was studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS) and electrochemical measurement. The results show that the pitting depth of UNS S31603 stainless steel increases with a rise of Cl- concentration at a temperature of 60 oC and a H2S content of 10% and the pitting grow inward. The pitting potential of UNS S31603 steel decreases with a rise of Cl- concentration and the pitting susceptibility increases significantly. There exist competitive adsorption between Cl- and H2S. When Cl- concentration reaches a certain level Cl- occupies most of the adsorption sites on the surface of passive film which can impede the reaction between H2S and the passive film however the corrosion process is inhibited. With the further increased of the Cl- concentration due to the formation of soluble complexes via the reaction between Cl- and the metal the dissolution of passive film increases and the corrosion process is improved.Key words: austenitic stainless steel pitting susceptibility Cl- concentration sour environment.

Key words: conference papers, 2015 conference papers, downloadable, austenitic stainless steel, pitting susceptibility, Cl- concentration, sour environment

Effect of Cl- concentration on pitting susceptibility of UNS S31603 stainless steel was evaluated by immersion testing. Initiation and growth of pitting under sour environment of austenitic stainless steel was studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS) and electrochemical measurement. The results show that the pitting depth of UNS S31603 stainless steel increases with a rise of Cl- concentration at a temperature of 60 oC and a H2S content of 10% and the pitting grow inward. The pitting potential of UNS S31603 steel decreases with a rise of Cl- concentration and the pitting susceptibility increases significantly. There exist competitive adsorption between Cl- and H2S. When Cl- concentration reaches a certain level Cl- occupies most of the adsorption sites on the surface of passive film which can impede the reaction between H2S and the passive film however the corrosion process is inhibited. With the further increased of the Cl- concentration due to the formation of soluble complexes via the reaction between Cl- and the metal the dissolution of passive film increases and the corrosion process is improved.Key words: austenitic stainless steel pitting susceptibility Cl- concentration sour environment.

Key words: conference papers, 2015 conference papers, downloadable, austenitic stainless steel, pitting susceptibility, Cl- concentration, sour environment

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