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51316-7230-Development of Integrated Condition Monitoring System for Corrosion and Stray Current Monitoring On

This paper will describe a multi-channel corrosion and stray-current monitoring system and the design consideration/philosophy used when determining the measurement locations throughout the system and the challenges presented and overcome. Follows NACE Corrosion 2012 (paper C2012-01727).


Product Number: 51316-7230-SG
ISBN: 7230 2016 CP
Author: Gareth John
Publication Date: 2016

This paper will outline the multi-channel corrosion and stray-current monitoring system currently being supplied and installed into the new circle metro line (known as the cityringen project) of the Copenhagen metro that is currently under construction.The objective of the system is to provide a combination of:-(1) A pre-warning system for corrosion in concrete cover so as to spot the onset of corrosion at reinforcement depth using a number of ladder probes and ER probes.(2) To understand the areas of stray current flow through the tunnel and station walls though the use of Sense electrodes.This data will be used to refine the uncertainties and assumptions in service life model predictions of concrete durability.The system being supplied will be a permanently connected measurement system with locally connected measurement DAUs close to the sensors in the tunnels and the stations communication back to a central data server that will allow for a metro wide view of the health of the structures and the interactions between the metro structures external structures and utilities and the operating trains systems. This involves the installation of sensors at time of Tunnel segment and station construction at strategic locations in the tunnel and across 17 stations.This paper will describe the monitoring system and the design consideration/philosophy used when determining the measurement locations throughout the system and the challenges presented and overcome.This work follows on from work previously presented by Birit Buhr Jensen in at NACE Corrosion 2012 (paper C2012-01727).


Key words: downloadable, Cathodic Protection, Soil, Specific Coupons, Polarization Curves




This paper will outline the multi-channel corrosion and stray-current monitoring system currently being supplied and installed into the new circle metro line (known as the cityringen project) of the Copenhagen metro that is currently under construction.The objective of the system is to provide a combination of:-(1) A pre-warning system for corrosion in concrete cover so as to spot the onset of corrosion at reinforcement depth using a number of ladder probes and ER probes.(2) To understand the areas of stray current flow through the tunnel and station walls though the use of Sense electrodes.This data will be used to refine the uncertainties and assumptions in service life model predictions of concrete durability.The system being supplied will be a permanently connected measurement system with locally connected measurement DAUs close to the sensors in the tunnels and the stations communication back to a central data server that will allow for a metro wide view of the health of the structures and the interactions between the metro structures external structures and utilities and the operating trains systems. This involves the installation of sensors at time of Tunnel segment and station construction at strategic locations in the tunnel and across 17 stations.This paper will describe the monitoring system and the design consideration/philosophy used when determining the measurement locations throughout the system and the challenges presented and overcome.This work follows on from work previously presented by Birit Buhr Jensen in at NACE Corrosion 2012 (paper C2012-01727).


Key words: downloadable, Cathodic Protection, Soil, Specific Coupons, Polarization Curves




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