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Developing and Managing a Coatings & Linings Program in an Electric Utility

To develop a Maintenance Coating Program encompassing cost justification for projects, pre-planning evaluation of safety and quality assurance programs. From two previous NACE Conference Papers.

Product Number: 51317--8812-SG
ISBN: 8812 2017 CP
Author: Steve Poncio
Publication Date: 2017

Maintenance Coatings Programs have all but disappeared today as a recognized way of saving money in most industries. With the budgetary constraints now facing the industry Electric Utility Companies should adopt a long-term coatings maintenance program to effectively utilize each dollar spent on coating of Power Generating Facilities Substation Structures/Equipment and Transmission Structures. Owners of Electrical facilities can reduce the overall cost of maintenance painting projects through the implementation of a Total Quality Program. The information presented should help Utility Personnel develop a Maintenance Coating Program which should encompass cost justification for projects pre-planning evaluation of safety and quality assurance programs. This paper will combine elements from two papers previously presented at presented at NACE Conferences that can help prioritize and cost justify a Maintenance Coating Program.Keywords: maintenance painting pre-planning Electric Utility Substation Transmission Structures.


Maintenance Coatings Programs have all but disappeared today as a recognized way of saving money in most industries. With the budgetary constraints now facing the industry Electric Utility Companies should adopt a long-term coatings maintenance program to effectively utilize each dollar spent on coating of Power Generating Facilities Substation Structures/Equipment and Transmission Structures. Owners of Electrical facilities can reduce the overall cost of maintenance painting projects through the implementation of a Total Quality Program. The information presented should help Utility Personnel develop a Maintenance Coating Program which should encompass cost justification for projects pre-planning evaluation of safety and quality assurance programs. This paper will combine elements from two papers previously presented at presented at NACE Conferences that can help prioritize and cost justify a Maintenance Coating Program.Keywords: maintenance painting pre-planning Electric Utility Substation Transmission Structures.


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