
51313-02541-Detecting and Monitoring of Atmospheric SCC in Dry Cask Storage Canisters for Used Nuclear Fuel

Product Number: 51313-02541-SG
ISBN: 02541 2013 CP
Author: Ryan Meyer
Publication Date: 2013

Uncertainty regarding the political viability of developing a centralized long-term repository for the storage of used nuclear fuel has increased the likelihood that used fuel will be stored in Dry Cask Storage Canisters (DCSCs) for periods much longer than originally anticipated. As a consequence these canisters will potentially be subject to forms of degradation not considered in the original design basis. Atmospheric stress corrosion cracking (SCC) is one degradation mechanism that has the potential to occur in DCSCs as a result of extended service in marine or coastal environments. As part of a mitigation strategy nondestructive examination (NDE) of canisters may be performed to identify and characterize atmospheric SCC flaws. This paper examines several technologies with respect to their capability for detecting and monitoring atmospheric SCC in DCSCs.

Uncertainty regarding the political viability of developing a centralized long-term repository for the storage of used nuclear fuel has increased the likelihood that used fuel will be stored in Dry Cask Storage Canisters (DCSCs) for periods much longer than originally anticipated. As a consequence these canisters will potentially be subject to forms of degradation not considered in the original design basis. Atmospheric stress corrosion cracking (SCC) is one degradation mechanism that has the potential to occur in DCSCs as a result of extended service in marine or coastal environments. As part of a mitigation strategy nondestructive examination (NDE) of canisters may be performed to identify and characterize atmospheric SCC flaws. This paper examines several technologies with respect to their capability for detecting and monitoring atmospheric SCC in DCSCs.

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