
Crude Distillation Unit Protection Through Metal Cladding Testing And Implementation With Varied Regional Feed

Product Number: 51321-16876-SG
Author: Matthew MacWatters; Iain Hall
Publication Date: 2021

Repair and outage costs of refinery Crude Distillation Units (CDUs) can be significant, involving the complexity of shell replacement or weld overlay and associated PWHT. High-Velocity Thermal Spray (HVTS) cladding technology has a well-documented history of shell protection in sour conditions where low, or locally low, pH results in material wastage. These modified superalloy systems are resistant to both caustic and acidic conditions at high temperatures. They are effective in providing an impermeable metallurgical barrier, protecting the underlying substrate, and can be efficiently applied without impact to the existing shell or the need for post thermal processing. However, unlike many service vessels found in upstream and refining, CDUs present unique challenges due to graduated temperature and corrosivity profiles, as well as the unique
chemical characteristics of the feed, which can vary throughout the column. Extensive testing was undertaken in corrosion autoclaves using raw crude oil obtained from functioning wells. These materials were characterized and enhanced in terms of corrosivity to mirror more aggressive feeds. Distinct corrosion and test environments were created to represent the differential CDU conditions. This paper discusses the performance of modified HVTS systems for corrosion protection in the varied environment of a typical CDU column.

Repair and outage costs of refinery Crude Distillation Units (CDUs) can be significant, involving the complexity of shell replacement or weld overlay and associated PWHT. High-Velocity Thermal Spray (HVTS) cladding technology has a well-documented history of shell protection in sour conditions where low, or locally low, pH results in material wastage. These modified superalloy systems are resistant to both caustic and acidic conditions at high temperatures. They are effective in providing an impermeable metallurgical barrier, protecting the underlying substrate, and can be efficiently applied without impact to the existing shell or the need for post thermal processing. However, unlike many service vessels found in upstream and refining, CDUs present unique challenges due to graduated temperature and corrosivity profiles, as well as the unique
chemical characteristics of the feed, which can vary throughout the column. Extensive testing was undertaken in corrosion autoclaves using raw crude oil obtained from functioning wells. These materials were characterized and enhanced in terms of corrosivity to mirror more aggressive feeds. Distinct corrosion and test environments were created to represent the differential CDU conditions. This paper discusses the performance of modified HVTS systems for corrosion protection in the varied environment of a typical CDU column.

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