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Corrosion Studies Of An Additive Manufactured Alpha-Beta Ti Alloy

Product Number: 51321-16874-SG
Author: Kishore Venkatesan; Dimitri Conjan; Darren Fraser; David Ritchie; Sri Lathabai
Publication Date: 2021

a-b titanium alloys are used extensively in various industries, from aerospace to power generation, oil
and gas and bio-medical applications. Production of these alloys, in recent years, has been explored
using additive manufacturing methods (AM). The effect of process parameters on the electrochemical
behavior of a-b titanium alloys produced by Electron Beam Melting (EBM) was studied. The as-built
parts were examined using optical and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) equipped with energy
dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). SEM examination of samples post electrochemical tests was
also performed to understand the corrosion mechanisms and relate them to the microstructures and
process parameters. The results from this study are presented in this paper.

a-b titanium alloys are used extensively in various industries, from aerospace to power generation, oil
and gas and bio-medical applications. Production of these alloys, in recent years, has been explored
using additive manufacturing methods (AM). The effect of process parameters on the electrochemical
behavior of a-b titanium alloys produced by Electron Beam Melting (EBM) was studied. The as-built
parts were examined using optical and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) equipped with energy
dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). SEM examination of samples post electrochemical tests was
also performed to understand the corrosion mechanisms and relate them to the microstructures and
process parameters. The results from this study are presented in this paper.

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