
Corrosion Inhibitors In O&G Industry: A Review Of Current Application Challenges And Research Gaps

Corrosion continues to be a threat to the petroleum industry. It risks people’s lives, the environment, and assets integrity, in addition to the financial losses. In fact, the annual global cost of corrosion was estimated in 2013 to be around US$2.5 trillion (3.2% of 2013 global GDP). Of this amount, approximately 15-35% (i.e. US$375 to US$875 billion annually) can be avoided through proper corrosion control management and advanced mitigation technologies

Product Number: 51322-17794-SG
Author: Faisal M. Al-Mutahhar, Rakan A. Al-Shebil, Hassan A. Al-Ajwad
Publication Date: 2022

Corrosion continues to be a threat to the petroleum industry. It risks people’s lives, assets integrity and the environment. These risks are mitigated by different means such as selection of appropriate materials, chemical treatment, cathodic protection, protective coatings, and process control. One of the most common corrosion control measures is the use of corrosion inhibitors. This is a cost-effective option that can be applied to upstream, mid-stream and downstream facilities. This has driven the research institutes and the chemical manufacturers to invest on developing corrosion inhibitor chemistries for field-specific applications. In spite of all the efforts being put, there are still many important aspects about corrosion inhibition treatment that need to be researched for a better understanding of the chemicals’ performance, monitoring, laboratory testing, and field application. This paper highlights knowledge gaps to invite focused research to help bridging the gaps between operators, research institutes and developing companies. These gaps are classified in four main areas: Field Monitoring, Facility Design, Laboratory Testing, and Simulation & Prediction.

Corrosion continues to be a threat to the petroleum industry. It risks people’s lives, assets integrity and the environment. These risks are mitigated by different means such as selection of appropriate materials, chemical treatment, cathodic protection, protective coatings, and process control. One of the most common corrosion control measures is the use of corrosion inhibitors. This is a cost-effective option that can be applied to upstream, mid-stream and downstream facilities. This has driven the research institutes and the chemical manufacturers to invest on developing corrosion inhibitor chemistries for field-specific applications. In spite of all the efforts being put, there are still many important aspects about corrosion inhibition treatment that need to be researched for a better understanding of the chemicals’ performance, monitoring, laboratory testing, and field application. This paper highlights knowledge gaps to invite focused research to help bridging the gaps between operators, research institutes and developing companies. These gaps are classified in four main areas: Field Monitoring, Facility Design, Laboratory Testing, and Simulation & Prediction.

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