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For a buried pipeline under dynamic DC stray current interference, field experiments of corrosion coupons were carried out at two selected test stations by burying coupons of different bare areas at two different depths.
For a buried pipeline under dynamic DC stray current interference, field experiments of corrosion coupons were carried out at two selected test stations by burying coupons of different bare areas at two different depths. Twenty-four hour on/off potential and coupon current density monitoring were also carried out for each coupon which leaded to a new method for the evaluation of dynamic stray current interference and related corrosion possibility. Corrosion rate of the stray current affected pipeline was estimated via coupon current monitoring and was compared to weight loss measurements.
Key words: dynamic DC stray current, buried pipeline, corrosion rate, current density
Concerns related to stray DC interference. Including safety, testing, documentation and lessons learned. Also addressed are DC powered transit systems and other unordinary sources of DC interference.
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In this paper exhaustive field study trials to monitor the pipe to soil potential over an extended time period and subsequent analysis of data has been discussed with reference to the critical Combined Cathodic and Anodic Interference phenomena observed on pipelines.