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Color and Glass Evaluation of Two High Performance Coating Systems Using Accelerated Laboratory and Outdoor Weathering

The State of Florida spends millions of dollars to mitigate corrosion and paint existing bridge structures each year. Since tourism is a big contributor to the State’s economy, it is of high importance to maintain these structures in a condition that is pleasing to the eye in order to provide a pleasant welcome for visitors to the Sunshine State. 

Product Number: 41214-866-SG
Author: Paul Vinik
Publication Date: 2014

The State of Florida spends millions of dollars to mitigate corrosion and paint existing bridge structures each year. Since tourism is a big contributor to the State’s economy, it is of high importance to maintain these structures in a condition that is pleasing to the eye in order to provide a pleasant welcome for visitors to the Sunshine State. Subsequently, many of these structures are painted for aesthetic reasons rather than structural. The Florida Department of Transportation has evaluated the ability of several high-performance coating systems to resist color and gloss degradation. This is solely an aesthetic study, and the corrosion resistance properties of these systems are not presented. The geographical location of Florida results in extreme sunlight exposure and the southern latitude produces a severe environmental effect on polymeric resins. The Departments environmental test facility at Tea Table Key, Florida is considered by many to be the most severe UV test site in the United States. Test panels weathered with xenon arc radiation, accelerated outdoor exposure, as well as several bridges throughout Florida have been utilized for this study. In addition, some of the highest profile bridges in Florida including the Sunshine Skyway, Mathews, and Hart Bridges were used as test structures. Multiple coating systems, manufacturers, and colors have been evaluated. Color and gloss data will be presented for coating systems incorporating fluorourethane and clear coatings with UV inhibitors for finish coats.

The State of Florida spends millions of dollars to mitigate corrosion and paint existing bridge structures each year. Since tourism is a big contributor to the State’s economy, it is of high importance to maintain these structures in a condition that is pleasing to the eye in order to provide a pleasant welcome for visitors to the Sunshine State. Subsequently, many of these structures are painted for aesthetic reasons rather than structural. The Florida Department of Transportation has evaluated the ability of several high-performance coating systems to resist color and gloss degradation. This is solely an aesthetic study, and the corrosion resistance properties of these systems are not presented. The geographical location of Florida results in extreme sunlight exposure and the southern latitude produces a severe environmental effect on polymeric resins. The Departments environmental test facility at Tea Table Key, Florida is considered by many to be the most severe UV test site in the United States. Test panels weathered with xenon arc radiation, accelerated outdoor exposure, as well as several bridges throughout Florida have been utilized for this study. In addition, some of the highest profile bridges in Florida including the Sunshine Skyway, Mathews, and Hart Bridges were used as test structures. Multiple coating systems, manufacturers, and colors have been evaluated. Color and gloss data will be presented for coating systems incorporating fluorourethane and clear coatings with UV inhibitors for finish coats.

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ISBN: 98351 1998 CP
Author: Ann Chidester Van Orden, Robert H. Heidersbach