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51317--9550-Challenges in Providing Effective Cathodic Protection to Thermally Insulated Pipeline Risers

Specific challenges encountered in the application of CP to thermally insulated pipeline risers in northern Alberta (Canada). The CP issues resulting from the use and installation of thermal insulation, resistance heating (heat trace), and other instrumentation are discussed.


Product Number: 51317--9550-SG
ISBN: 9550 2017 CP
Author: Stephen Gibson
Publication Date: 2017

Cathodic protection (CP) is a method to mitigate external corrosion on buried metallic pipelines. Electrical isolation and electrolyte homogeneity are key factors that influence the performance of the majority of pipeline CP systems. Based on these factors this paper details specific challenges encountered in the application of CP to thermally insulated pipeline risers in northern Alberta (Canada). The CP issues resulting from the use and installation of thermal insulation resistance heating (heat trace) temperature monitoring devices and other instrumentation will be discussed. Specific pipeline construction practices that increase the probability of these issues occurring will also be addressed. Best practices for providing CP to thermally insulated risers will be discussed along with the challenges of installation and monitoring.

Key words: cathodic protection, cathodic protection shielding, electrical isolation, thermal insulation, pipeline risers, thermally insulated pipelines

Cathodic protection (CP) is a method to mitigate external corrosion on buried metallic pipelines. Electrical isolation and electrolyte homogeneity are key factors that influence the performance of the majority of pipeline CP systems. Based on these factors this paper details specific challenges encountered in the application of CP to thermally insulated pipeline risers in northern Alberta (Canada). The CP issues resulting from the use and installation of thermal insulation resistance heating (heat trace) temperature monitoring devices and other instrumentation will be discussed. Specific pipeline construction practices that increase the probability of these issues occurring will also be addressed. Best practices for providing CP to thermally insulated risers will be discussed along with the challenges of installation and monitoring.

Key words: cathodic protection, cathodic protection shielding, electrical isolation, thermal insulation, pipeline risers, thermally insulated pipelines

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