
Abnormal Hydrotreater Distillation Sulfidation Corrosion At Stripper Reboiler Outlet - Investigation Study

Product Number: 51321-16763-SG
Author: Omar S. Alabdulgader
Publication Date: 2021

This paper presents the analysis and findings of a recent corrosion investigation study of abnormal corrosion rates experienced at the distillation section of a Diesel Hydrotreater Unit, particularly at the stripper column reboiler outlet piping. As a hydrogen-free and low-sulfur environment, Sulfidation corrosion is not usually anticipated to take place with such severity at this section of the process. During the investigation, it was found that similar incidents of high corrosion rates were also reported by industry at different sections of Hydrotreater Distillation which could not be accurately interpolated using either Modified McConomy or Couper-Gorman
curves. As per API-939C, the mechanism of this type of corrosion is still not well understood. As a result, a newly developed based-on-experience curves were utilized to estimate the levels of H2S that have existed at the reboiler outlet piping to result in such high corrosion rates. The estimated H2S levels were then validated through advanced process simulation. Based on that, different contributing sources of H2S were identified and analyzed to explain the results including the decomposition of untransformed mercaptans and inefficient stripping of H2S. In conclusion, root causes of each contributing source were identified and effective process and metallurgical solutions were recommended.

This paper presents the analysis and findings of a recent corrosion investigation study of abnormal corrosion rates experienced at the distillation section of a Diesel Hydrotreater Unit, particularly at the stripper column reboiler outlet piping. As a hydrogen-free and low-sulfur environment, Sulfidation corrosion is not usually anticipated to take place with such severity at this section of the process. During the investigation, it was found that similar incidents of high corrosion rates were also reported by industry at different sections of Hydrotreater Distillation which could not be accurately interpolated using either Modified McConomy or Couper-Gorman
curves. As per API-939C, the mechanism of this type of corrosion is still not well understood. As a result, a newly developed based-on-experience curves were utilized to estimate the levels of H2S that have existed at the reboiler outlet piping to result in such high corrosion rates. The estimated H2S levels were then validated through advanced process simulation. Based on that, different contributing sources of H2S were identified and analyzed to explain the results including the decomposition of untransformed mercaptans and inefficient stripping of H2S. In conclusion, root causes of each contributing source were identified and effective process and metallurgical solutions were recommended.

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Product Number: 51314-4473-SG
ISBN: 4473 2014 CP
Author: Richard Colwell
Publication Date: 2014