This paper reports the design, construction and operation of a hardwired Cathodic Protection (CP) monitoring system for the 1,350’ (411 m) water depth Gulf of Mexico (GOM) Bullwinkle Platform. Results from this system are reported along with analyses of the dataj showing performance relative to the CP design assumptions, and the importance of increasing CP current density design values in deeper water. The data have also been useful in: examining seasonal and storm effects on CP, developing anode life predictions, observing polarization processes, planning ROV surveys, verifying ROV data, and confirming our company’s laboratory anode testing relevance to in-service performance.
Key Words - Cathodic Protection, Bullwinlde Platform, Monitoring System, Sacrificial Anode, Insulated Test Section, Reference Electrode, Armored Cable, Gulf of Mexico, Deep Water, Instrumentation, Remote Monitoring, Data Logger.