
09468 Evaluation of Flow Accelerated Corrosion of PWR Secondary Piping by Coupling Analysis of Corrosion and Flow Dynamics

Product Number: 51300-09468-SG
ISBN: 09468 2009 CP
Author: Masanori Naitoh, Seiichi Koshizuka, Shunsuke Uchida, Hidetoshi Okada, Yasushi Uehara, Derek Lister
Publication Date: 2009
Systematic approaches for evaluating flow accelerated corrosion (FAC) are desired before discussing application of countermeasures for FAC. Firstly, future FAC occurrence should be evaluated to identify locations where a higher possibility of FAC occurrence exists, and then, wall thinning rate at the identified FAC occurrence zone is evaluated to obtain the preparation time for applying countermeasures.

Wall thinning rates were calculated with the coupled models of static electrochemical analysis and dynamic double oxide layer analysis. Anodic current density and electrochemical corrosion potential (ECP) were calculated with the static electrochemistry model based on an Evans diagram and ferrous ion release rate determined by the anodic current density was applied as input for the dynamic double oxide layer model. Some of the dissolved ferrous ion was removed to the bulk water and others precipitated on the surface as magnetite particles. The thickness of oxide layer was calculated with the dynamic double oxide layer model and then was applied as input for the electrochemistry model. It was confirmed that the calculated results of the coupled models resulted good agreement with the measured ones.

Keywords: flow accelerated corrosion, corrosive conditions, mass transfer coefficient, oxygen, electrochemical corrosion potential, wall thinning rate
Systematic approaches for evaluating flow accelerated corrosion (FAC) are desired before discussing application of countermeasures for FAC. Firstly, future FAC occurrence should be evaluated to identify locations where a higher possibility of FAC occurrence exists, and then, wall thinning rate at the identified FAC occurrence zone is evaluated to obtain the preparation time for applying countermeasures.

Wall thinning rates were calculated with the coupled models of static electrochemical analysis and dynamic double oxide layer analysis. Anodic current density and electrochemical corrosion potential (ECP) were calculated with the static electrochemistry model based on an Evans diagram and ferrous ion release rate determined by the anodic current density was applied as input for the dynamic double oxide layer model. Some of the dissolved ferrous ion was removed to the bulk water and others precipitated on the surface as magnetite particles. The thickness of oxide layer was calculated with the dynamic double oxide layer model and then was applied as input for the electrochemistry model. It was confirmed that the calculated results of the coupled models resulted good agreement with the measured ones.

Keywords: flow accelerated corrosion, corrosive conditions, mass transfer coefficient, oxygen, electrochemical corrosion potential, wall thinning rate
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