
08137 Flow Modeling to Optimize Wet Gas Pipeline Water Management and Corrosion

Product Number: 51300-08137-SG
ISBN: 08137 2008 CP
Author: F. Carimalo, I. Fouche, R. Hauguel, X. Campaignolle, T. Chretien, and M. Meyer
Publication Date: 2008
In order to optimize wet gas pipeline water management (and subsequent corrosion issues), liquid water accumulation at low spots, slug or wavy liquid water/gas flows attributable to water draining from the reservoir or to water accumulation at low spots, must be assessed. This requires tools capable of predicting flows, either at the pipeline design stage, or during operation for the adjustment of operational parameters. This paper presents a flow modeling study, using a commercial code, for multiphase flow calculation, and dedicated to the prediction/assessment of liquid/gas flow regimes encountered in wet gas gathering lines. The flow models developed during this study have been validated against field measurements performed on french operator installations. Case studies illustrating the use of the commercial code for optimizing either wet gas pipeline design, or the inspection strategy of those lines are presented. This paper illustrates how flow modeling can be used, within the “Indirect Inspection” step, for prioritization of Direct examination, on the basis of both flow regimes and “relative time of wetness” concept.
In order to optimize wet gas pipeline water management (and subsequent corrosion issues), liquid water accumulation at low spots, slug or wavy liquid water/gas flows attributable to water draining from the reservoir or to water accumulation at low spots, must be assessed. This requires tools capable of predicting flows, either at the pipeline design stage, or during operation for the adjustment of operational parameters. This paper presents a flow modeling study, using a commercial code, for multiphase flow calculation, and dedicated to the prediction/assessment of liquid/gas flow regimes encountered in wet gas gathering lines. The flow models developed during this study have been validated against field measurements performed on french operator installations. Case studies illustrating the use of the commercial code for optimizing either wet gas pipeline design, or the inspection strategy of those lines are presented. This paper illustrates how flow modeling can be used, within the “Indirect Inspection” step, for prioritization of Direct examination, on the basis of both flow regimes and “relative time of wetness” concept.
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