
08120 Corrosion of Natural Gas Transmission Line: a Case Study

Product Number: 51300-08120-SG
ISBN: 08120 2008 CP
Author: Mohammed Javeed Shaikh and Khadir Muhideen
Publication Date: 2008
Industry: Energy Generation
Natural Gas is one of the important fossil fuels used in the Power Generation industry. During the year 2000, the Cathodic Protection potential survey of a natural gas pipeline revealed that the potential at a road crossing is less than the acceptable minimum value, indicating that the current given to the piping system is diverted to non piping system component. Hence a thorough inspection was performed and the causes were identified. Based on the information gathered from the first inspection, a complete survey of the entire length of pipe line was carried out and recommendations were given to the management with repair priorities. This case study details the inspection methods used to assess the condition of the natural gas line which is partially buried and the repair methods suggested.
Natural Gas is one of the important fossil fuels used in the Power Generation industry. During the year 2000, the Cathodic Protection potential survey of a natural gas pipeline revealed that the potential at a road crossing is less than the acceptable minimum value, indicating that the current given to the piping system is diverted to non piping system component. Hence a thorough inspection was performed and the causes were identified. Based on the information gathered from the first inspection, a complete survey of the entire length of pipe line was carried out and recommendations were given to the management with repair priorities. This case study details the inspection methods used to assess the condition of the natural gas line which is partially buried and the repair methods suggested.
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