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Visualizing Correlations of Water Quality and Cathodic Protection Parameters

Corrosion is responsible for the deterioration of steel structures over time. Thus, there are billions of dollars lost each year worldwide, due to leakage of materials transported in metallic pipelines, as well as the need for repair and replacement of materials. Cathodic protection is one of the main ways to minimize or even suspend the corrosive process, along with the application of protective coatings on metallic structures.

Product Number: 51323-19333-SG
Author: Veronica Lynn Gerios, Natalie Becerra-Stasiewicz, Sean Morefield, Cristina Fleig Mayer
Publication Date: 2023

Two remote monitoring & control units (RMCU) and four remote monitoring units (RMU) were installed at the cathodic protection systems on Selden Lock & Dam. Water quality parameters recorded upstream from Selden Lock & Dam were correlated to different remote monitoring unit parameters. For RMUs, coupon AC current density, coupon DC current density, structure AC potential, structure DC potential, and coupon DC instant off measurements were compared to temperature, specific conductance, total dissolved solids, pH, and dissolved oxygen. For RMCUs, rectifier downstream current, rectifier downstream voltage, rectifier upstream current, and rectifier upstream voltage was compared to temperature, specific conductance, total dissolved solids, pH, and dissolved oxygen. Linear regressions for each remote monitoring unit parameter and water quality parameter were created. Rectifier upstream current and Rectifier Upstream voltage had the most correlations with water quality data. Changes in pool level could explain the differences in upstream rectifier correlations and downstream rectifier correlations.

Two remote monitoring & control units (RMCU) and four remote monitoring units (RMU) were installed at the cathodic protection systems on Selden Lock & Dam. Water quality parameters recorded upstream from Selden Lock & Dam were correlated to different remote monitoring unit parameters. For RMUs, coupon AC current density, coupon DC current density, structure AC potential, structure DC potential, and coupon DC instant off measurements were compared to temperature, specific conductance, total dissolved solids, pH, and dissolved oxygen. For RMCUs, rectifier downstream current, rectifier downstream voltage, rectifier upstream current, and rectifier upstream voltage was compared to temperature, specific conductance, total dissolved solids, pH, and dissolved oxygen. Linear regressions for each remote monitoring unit parameter and water quality parameter were created. Rectifier upstream current and Rectifier Upstream voltage had the most correlations with water quality data. Changes in pool level could explain the differences in upstream rectifier correlations and downstream rectifier correlations.