Validation for macro modeling concept for the soil/coating external corrosion for ECDA process by using statistical tools*A. Yajima *R. Liang H. Rivera L.Martinez +H. Castaneda+Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering National Center for Research in Corrosion*Civil Engineering DepartmentThe University of Akron Akron OHCorrosion y Proteccion Ingenieria S.C. Cuernavaca MexicoABSTRACTExternal corrosion direct assessment includes four steps in the RP ECDA standard as a recommended methodology. Among the process the four step is the post-evaluation; this step considers the integration of indirect measurement direct evaluation and parameters influencing the time dependent treat for underground pipelines. Macro-modeling was used to enhance the pre-assessment and indirect survey. This work aims to provide a case of study on post assessment algorithm based on dynamic macro-modeling previously introduced for a 110km buried pipeline for external pipeline corrosion research. The macro-modeling concept previously presented was based on the parameters affecting the soil properties in different regions during four seasons due to the climate rainfall soil properties and environmental parameters.The noise of the field data obtained from indirect survey and direct assessment is reduced based on statistical approach (Principal Component Analysis) then soil and environmental properties are grouped into similar clusters via finite mixture models in order to increase accuracy of estimation of corrosion rate in the underground pipeline.