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51318-10921-Titanium Alloy Stress Corrosion Resistance to Methanol Vapor in Hydrocarbon Gas Export Systems

Susceptibility of Grades 23 and 29 titanium Tapered Stress Joint (TSJ) forgings to gas phase methanolic Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC) was measured in deaerated, dry 0-0.5 wt.% and saturated methanol-containing methane gas environments at 25C in a two phase laboratory program.

Product Number: 51318-10921-SG
Author: Ronald W. Schutz / Birendra Jena / Ramgopal Thodla / Heath W. Walker
Publication Date: 2018

Susceptibility of Grades 23 and 29 titanium Tapered Stress Joint (TSJ) forgings to gas phase methanolic Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC) was measured in deaerated, dry 0-0.5 wt.% and saturated methanol-containing methane gas environments at 25C in a two phase laboratory program. Phase 1 utilized slow strain rate (SSR) tensile testing to aggressively identify any SCC behavior as a function of increasing methanol vapor content; whereas Phase 2 focused on fracture toughness testing with slow-strain rate rising K loading to determine the effect of methanol vapor on component fracture resistance via KJ value determination. SSR tensile results for both Ti alloys revealed nil-minimal methanolic SCC at dilute methanol levels, and a measurable drop in reduction in area (but not total elongation) values, indicating minor SCC susceptibility, at saturated gas levels. Grade 29 Ti KJ values remained well above 68 MPa m at all methanol levels tested, and displayed no discernable, consistent trend with methanol content.

Key words: Titanium, methanol vapor, methanol, stress corrosion cracking, SCC, slow strain rate, fracture toughness

Susceptibility of Grades 23 and 29 titanium Tapered Stress Joint (TSJ) forgings to gas phase methanolic Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC) was measured in deaerated, dry 0-0.5 wt.% and saturated methanol-containing methane gas environments at 25C in a two phase laboratory program. Phase 1 utilized slow strain rate (SSR) tensile testing to aggressively identify any SCC behavior as a function of increasing methanol vapor content; whereas Phase 2 focused on fracture toughness testing with slow-strain rate rising K loading to determine the effect of methanol vapor on component fracture resistance via KJ value determination. SSR tensile results for both Ti alloys revealed nil-minimal methanolic SCC at dilute methanol levels, and a measurable drop in reduction in area (but not total elongation) values, indicating minor SCC susceptibility, at saturated gas levels. Grade 29 Ti KJ values remained well above 68 MPa m at all methanol levels tested, and displayed no discernable, consistent trend with methanol content.

Key words: Titanium, methanol vapor, methanol, stress corrosion cracking, SCC, slow strain rate, fracture toughness

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