
The Effect of Microstructure on the Pitting Resistance of Duplex Stainless Steels

Product Number: 51315-6000-SG
ISBN: 6000 2015 CP
Author: Luis Garfias
Publication Date: 2015
This paper covers the efffect of the grain microstructure (ferrite/austenite ratio and grain size) ofDuplex Stainless Steels (DSS) and thePitting Resistance of these alloys in chloride containing solutions. Particular attention will be given to the effect of themicrostructure of the steel on the Critical Pitting Temperature andPitting Potential. Tests with samples annealed for longer period of times to increase the grain size of both ferrite and austenite on commercially available 25Cr DSS have shon that result on the increase of the CPT in chloride containing solutions.
This paper covers the efffect of the grain microstructure (ferrite/austenite ratio and grain size) ofDuplex Stainless Steels (DSS) and thePitting Resistance of these alloys in chloride containing solutions. Particular attention will be given to the effect of themicrostructure of the steel on the Critical Pitting Temperature andPitting Potential. Tests with samples annealed for longer period of times to increase the grain size of both ferrite and austenite on commercially available 25Cr DSS have shon that result on the increase of the CPT in chloride containing solutions.
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51315-5746-Role of Alloying Elements and Ageing in the Pitting Corrosion Resistance of Duplex Stainless Steels

Product Number: 51315-5746-SG
ISBN: 5746 2015 CP
Author: Sandra Le Manchet
Publication Date: 2015
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Understanding Why PREN Alone Can Not be Used to Select Duplex Stainless Steels

Product Number: 51315-6005-SG
ISBN: 6005 2015 CP
Author: Luis Garfias
Publication Date: 2015